Register 2019

Basset’s farm in Rakaia. Despite the cold weather, we had a fantastic turnout. Everyone enjoyed a shared morning tea before getting down to the business at hand – the parents vs boys shoot. Each year group and their parents rotated through five very well-designed stations. The boys won the final shoot off by 33 points to 26, with Charlie Burdon taking the prize for best junior and Guy Clarke for best senior shot. A great end to a fantastic weekend, and a big thank you to Graeme and Amanda for hosting us and to all parents and boys who helped out. The four House mentor groups continued this year. Each group, comprising a spread of Year 9–13 boys, met with their Assistant Housemaster weekly to discuss academic progress and goal planning. We also continued the popular inter- mentor group challenge. Inter-mentor group challenge results 2019: 4th – Cressey (41) 3rd – CJ (45)

2nd – Seymour (53) 1st – Randolph (61)

This year, following a consultation process and brainstorming session with the boys and a follow-up with the Year 13 group, we introduced a set of incentive-based awards – the School House Man Awards. Below are the words the boys felt reflected the ideal School House Man.

Hutchinson, Jack Sutherland and Guy Chaffey, with Ben Davis backstage, did an amazing job. Lachie won a Best Actor award, Caleb was named Best Director, and School House placed second equal with Corfe. The House held its annual House dinner and clay bird shoot in September. The dinner on the Friday evening, in the Great Hall at Chateau on the Park, was an amazing gathering of the entire School House family and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the year to date as well as House community and spirit. The weekend concluded with a clay bird shoot on Graeme and Amanda


Register 2019 Pastoral Care

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