l. NOTATION, THEORY AND SIGHT SINGING This subject g;ves a fou ndation for all other music tra in ing, and is pursued thoroughly. Notation I. covers the rudiment s of music, a mastery of scale :·elat ion and the major keys. Sight Reading cont inues this work and g ives drill in more difficult note read ing, chromat ics, modu lations, and the natural, melodic and harn1on ic .fo rms of the scale in minor keys. Sight singing and advanced chorus perfect the student st ill further in rapid read ing of notes and unaccompani ed singing of part songs. 2. VOICE Attention is giyen to the ind ividual needs of each student -with emphas is upon breath control, open throat, placement. the even scale, enunciati on, art iculati on, dict ion, phrasing and interpretation. Standard exercises of Root, Vacci. Sieber, Con cone, Marchesi, Behnke and others are used, a lso a wide variety of songs, with emphasis a lways upon the study and interpreta tion of Gospel music. 3. PIANO The course in piano meets the demands of all classes of student s from the beginner to the student of advanced stand ing . Stress is laid upon the development of techni que and it• application to the play ing of hymns and Gospel songs in church a nd evangeli stic meetings. Standa rd techni cal exercises by Clementi, Kuhlau, Burgmuller, Heller, Rogers and Cramer, and the works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, Chopin, Schu - mann, Mendelssohn , Grieg, McDowell , Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Si nding and others, arel adapted to the individual needs of the student. 4. ORGAN Applicants for organ study must have a certai n amount of piano preparation. Special train ing is given in manual touch , pedal technique, registration, church playing and solo and choir accompaniment. Standard works are used, such as Pedal Stu - dies by Whiting, Schneider and Buck, the R ink Organ Schocil and the Bach Lit tl e Preludes and Fugues, Compositions b 1· Flagler, Gounod, Merkel, Lemaigre, Batiste, etc .
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