30 Days to Real Estate Cash 121

The Assignment The assignment is pretty simple. It’s negotiating the terms and conditions of a deal with a seller and assigning your interest in the deal to an end buyer. In other words, you lock up an amazing deal and your end buyer

has the ability to step into your shoes to complete the deal under the same exact terms and conditions that you negotiated in your signed contract with the seller. None of the parties involved are any worse off because of the assignment deal. The same terms and conditions are followed within the contract. When doing an assignment, you start by finding a motivated seller. You submit an offer through a contract to purchase their home. In the real estate contract to purchase, the space where the buy- er’s name goes, your name will go, but with some extra words like this:

Buyer: $EAN 'RAZIOSI ANDOR ASSIGNS OR ASSIGNEE agrees to purchase from…

You can see an example contract at www.deangrazi- osi.com/assignment

That’s it! You are getting the seller to agree that you have the contractual right to buy their property, but that you may assign your right to someone else. You will assign all of your rights and obligations under the contract to another person. They’ll still have to honor all the terms and conditions in the agreed upon

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