30 Days to Real Estate Cash 139

You were introduced to Matt Larson, and he gave you invalu- able information on how to start filling your buyer’s bucket by using real estate agents. It is crucial you find the right real estate agents with the right mindset. You are looking for those agents that work with investors and know how to locate the best deals. You learned how to contact agents, what to say, and how to use the information they delivered to you. Matt’s tips included getting possible deals from real estate agents and how to get them to tell you which areas are the hottest mar- kets. The agents will also be able to advise you of deals they think are values in those hot areas. You learned how to begin your research and start filling both of those buckets for future profitable matches between buyers and sellers. Day 6 through Day 10 We discussed different real estate market cycles and how inves- tors swoop in to pick up bargains when prices are dropping, thus helping prices to stabilize. Sometimes when everyone else is selling, that is the time to be buying. Most savvy real estate investors know this. You learned how to identify a good buyer, what they want in the way of deals, and why they don’t mind paying for them. You started the process of building a buyer’s database list, whether the list is on paper or computerized, to keep up with buyers and their information. That information includes the What, Where, and How Much questions. What type of properties are they buying in what areas and how much are they paying for them? You learned how to make contact with buyers and begin to gather information from them and start conversations that will lead to business. Specific wording for a post card, letter, or

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