You should be working bandit signs, your own marketing, Craigslist marketing, and the MLS and the foreclosures, all at the same time.

The more offers you put out, the more chances you’re going to get deals.

So, if you want to throttle up your business and go fast, put out more offers. You want to put out more offers; you’ve got to bring in more leads.

So, you’ve just got to put out as many offers as you can on properties that have a high likelihood of being accepted low. Not just junk offers on anything, but properties that have a high likelihood of being accepted low. If you can get low offers accepted, you will be able to move those deals and sell properties. Other times, people ask me, “I don’t know what to set as a good goal for the first year.” And I always tell everybody, “Whatever you’ve made at your job, whatever you do at your job, whatever your best year ever for your salary – if you’ve made $30,000 a year or $50,000 a year, whatever it is, $100,000 – double that number.” That’s your new goal for your first year. That’s do-able. That’s totally do-able. I’ve seen multiple people do it. So, if you’re making $50,000 a year at your job right now, set your goal for your first year at $100,000. If you really think about it, people think, “Well, $100,000 is a lot of money. I don’t know if I can

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