with this book you will look back and thank me that I took a few short chapters to help set you up for success. That’s because my job to get you making money is bigger than just sharing the techniques and wisdom to profit. The top reasons my students don’t succeed have nothing to do with my teachings. I’m not conceited. I have polled my students and they tell me that the top reasons are: Negative people in my life, fear of fail- ure, fear of change, lack of time, and falling victim to habits. Damn, how can I compete with that! Even the best real estate techniques won’t work if that’s the case. Therefore, I do all I can to ethically bribe you and hopefully set up your mind today to say, “ Heck yeah! I can do this. ” So now you know my little secret. Let’s continue! I can go on and on about how you’ll be successful with this ma- terial, but hearing it from someone who has done it and done it in a spectacular way is much better. When Matt Larson first started reading my books and studying my methods, he was working 70 hours a week in a machine shop. The days were long and the work was rough. No matter how hard Matt worked, it seemed like he was not getting ahead and was headed nowhere fast. He felt there had to be a better way. Matt discovered my material and ran with it…really ran with it! To date Matt has done over 300 deals, he is officially a multi- millionaire, and the month that I am finishing this book he made over $70,000 in pure profit! He estimates making at least that amount of profit every month for the entire year. That’s real money from a real investor who was maybe once just like you are at this moment as you read this blueprint. Did it happen by accident? Was it super easy? Heck no. He had to apply my tech- Meet Matt Larson – Machine Shop to Mega-Millionaire Investor!

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