So, the important thing is, is you’re going to have to make a few phone calls most of the time. You’re going to be nervous the first time you do it. But once you get that agent on the phone, and you find the right agent, she says or he says they can help you, don’t let the conversation end there. Okay? Always let the conversation keep going. Once they tell you they can help you, then ask them questions like, “Where’s the hot spots right now? Where are most of the investors active? What part of town or what zip code in this metro area are all the investors making all the money?” Let them lead you to the areas. Let them do the work. Let their expertise show you where to go. So, ask them what price range of house are the hottest-selling right now. Because in some areas, like in my area that I invest in, the average- priced house that sells is about $120,000. So, a lot of times, the $120,000 market might be hot, or maybe the $200,000 market might be hot in that period of time. Or maybe it’s the houses that are priced between $70,000 and $80,000.

Let the agents tell you what the market is doing. Then, use what they tell you to help formulate your plan.

Okay, now your intention is to go look at some properties or get some listings to look at. So,

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