30 Days to Real Estate Cash 67

I’m not going to go into all of them here, but you can go to my website at www.DeanGraziosi.com/find- buyerslisturlhere and find them, as well as many more real estate investing ideas and training through-

out the Dean Graziosi investor network website. You’ll also find other students and successful investors profiled there who are willing to share their knowledge to help you become successful. Business Cards With digital media and mail, some old school things are fading. But here is one that still works well. Good old-fashioned busi- ness cards. I don’t care where you get them printed, what you call your business, or what kind of paper they’re printed on. Have them printed on the least expensive stock and, if you want, just put your name, “ Real Estate Investor, ” and your email and phone number on them. Have your elevator pitch ready to be heard when you hand the card. And, if you want, write part of your elevator pitch on the back. Once they’re in your hand, go out and try to move them from your hand to the hands of absolutely everyone you know. Friends, family, co-workers, even the person in front of you in line at the bank, are all people who should have one of your cards. Sure, you might be embarrassed telling your friends and family about your new venture. After all, they don’t share your vi- sion and goals. Remember, we discussed negativity in the first chapter of this book. Some of the people you know will not be supportive, and may even be downright negative or “ naysayers. ” That’s OK, though. Just slough it off.

Some of my students have even had to hide their books and study materials early in their learning process because they knew

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