EMJ Construction - Technology Brochure

Traditionally, construction companies build simply based on specifications. At EMJ, we analyze targeted equipment or materials in order to provide our clients with options so that they can make informed long-term decisions. We take into account not only material and installation costs, but also warranty periods, maintenance costs and lifespan replacement costs. Life-Cycle Cost Analysis



DISCOVER Our team searches for and researches value-creating opportunities in the building’s design and specifications. EMJ facilitates industry research and pulls from historical project data in order to formulate options for each value opportunity. ANALYZE & INTERACT Each option is monetized with a life-cycle cost formula applied for easy comparison. Choices are summarized, quantified, and communicated back into the design documents to be incorporated prior to construction.

EMJ delivers a deep cost-analysis for each phase of construction. Through interactive meetings, project stakeholders are informed of life-cycle cost information in order to make the best choices for their project goals.

BENEFITS The process reduces the cost of building ownership in areas such as warranty, maintenance, and replacement of equipment and materials. Clients move into the construction phase with confidence due to full transparency of options from all team members during the design and planning stages.


Initial design and construction accounts for less than 20% of the total building life-cycle costs.

The National Institute of Building Sciences, Whole Building Design Guide, 2016


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