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United Way plans a monster auction in 2018


Écoles élémentaires et secondaires publiques

Denis Vaillancourt (à l’avant), président de Centraide/United Way-Prescott-Russell (CUWPR), et Jean-Marc Lalonde, coprésident de la campagne de financement CUWPR, rencontrent les conseilsmunicipaux pour expliquer le plan à but non lucratif de l’agence d’organiser une vente aux enchères de deux jours, dans le cadre de sa campagne de financement 2018. Tous les profits de la vente aux enchères serviront à soutenir les organismes de bienfaisance locaux, les sports pour les jeunes et d’autres programmes et projets dans la région de Prescott-Russell. —photo Gregg Chamberlain



Winter trail grooming schedule The South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) plans to groom more than 30 kilometres of cross-country and snowshoeing trails within the South Nation River watershed region in partnership with several municipalities.The trail- grooming schedule is part of the SNC’s support of winter tourism and community recreation. Winter trail grooming is scheduled in the SNC’s Warwick Forest recreation area in Berwick, the J. Henry Tweed and W.E. Burton recreation areas in Russell Township, Nokomis Park in the Village of Limoges,Two Creeks Forest near Morrisburg, and the Robert Graham recreation area near Glen Stewart. The SNC and Russell Township also have a partnership deal for grooming the New York Central Fitness Trail between the villages of Russell and Embrun. – Gregg Chamberlain Vaillancourt noted that the goal is to raise about $50,000 as part of this year’s overall fundraising campaign for the CUWPR. Rev- enue from the fundraising campaign is later shared out to support community groups, programs, and services in the Prescott-Rus- sell region. ship. He added that it offers municipalities and others a way to clear out inventory of old but-still-useable equipment, and at the same time support a non-profit community group. Hawkesbury Mayor Jeanne Charlebois asked whether the auction would be limited to actual physical items like equipment, or if municipalities or businesses could offer credit vouchers for such things as arena ice time or other services for bid. Vaillancourt said it was something for the steering com- mittee to consider. “I don’t rule it out,” Vaillancourt said dur- ing an interview. “Anybody who wanted to contribute something (useful) to the auction could do that.”

It will be the biggest auction ever in Prescott-Russell! Denis Vaillancourt, president of Cen- traide-United Way Prescott-Russell (CU- WPR), and Jean-Marc Lalonde, co-president for the current campaign season, are starting off 2018 with meets-and-greets with local councils and other groups.These initiatives are part of an advance promotion for this year’s major fundraiser event for the non- profit agency. “We are doing a monster auction,” Lalonde told Prescott-Russell mayors dur- ing a January 10 meeting with the United Counties of Prescott-Russell council. A date has not yet been set for the two-day event. Delegations from the CUWPR are cur- rently going around the region on an infor- mation campaign, in advance of forming a steering committee featuring representation from the CUWPR, municipalities, and other groups. The steering committee will help guide planning of the event. “I like the concept of amonster auction,” said Mayor Pierre Leroux of Russell Town- Do not drink and ride The OPP have their snowmobile trail patrols out and about. The focus is riders who drink and ride but police will also be checking for proper licensing, registration, insurance and ownership of snowmo- biles and that riders have trail permits and are wearing approved safety helmets. Police will also check that riders are obeying traffic regulations for trail intersections with public roads and any no trespassing signs for private woodlands and pastures. Snowmobilers caught on trails which are designated for cross-country skiing only or as footpaths for snowshoers can also expect penal- ties. – Gregg Chamberlain

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