Iberia Sports & Rehab. Don't Ignore Your Back Pain

The back is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. You rely on it so heavily — whether it is to shoulder your emotional stresses or to physically lift something that you need to carry with you. Your back is constantly at risk. It is at risk when you drive, being one of the body parts likely to take the biggest impact in case of an accident. It is at risk when you are safely at home on your couch or at the office, where you are likely scrunched over and not caring one bit about your posture. It is at risk when you run, when you play sports, and even when you find yourself sick and are coughing so heavily that your back begins to hurt.

Health+Fitness N E W S L E T T E R

Dont Ignore Your Back Pain What Is Your Pain Trying To Tell You?

We Can Help! PT can pinpoint the cause and cure for your back pain!

Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to relieve back pain

Patient Success See what physical therapy has done for our patients!

Health+Fitness N E W S L E T T E R

Dont Ignore Your Back Pain What Is Your Pain Trying To Tell You?

The back is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. You rely on it so heavily — whether it is to shoulder your emotional stresses or to physically lift something that you need to carry with you. Your back is constantlyat risk. It is at riskwhenyou drive, being one ofthe body parts likely to take the biggest impact in case of an accident. It is at risk when you are safely at home on your couch or at the office, where you are likely scrunched over and not caring one bit about your posture. It is at risk when you run, when you play sports, and even when you find yourself sick and are coughing so heavily that your back begins to hurt. It is no wonder that so many people experience back injuries every year. What is a big wonder is that so many people choose to ignore their back injuries year after year! When you break an arm or get a cut on your leg, you are likely to do something about it right away. The sight of blood leaving your body or the realization that a bone isn’t sitting right is something that not manypeoplearegoingtodealwithfortoo longbeforeseekingmedical attention. Yet when pain begins in the back, it is almost normal to ignore it. Everyone develops back pain, time to time, right? There is no reason to stress about it or overreact, right? Absolutely wrong! Getting to the Bottom of Back Pain Back pain maybe common, but it is absolutelynot normal.There are actually a lot of serious conditions that can cause your back to begin to hurt, and it is smart to have your back looked at by a physician

early on so that you know exactly what is going on with your body from the get-go. Oncethecauseofyourbackpain isdetermined,yourphysicaltherapist will be able to identify the best treatment options for your body’s needs. This will likely include the following: • Targeted exercises that are specialized to the region of the back that is experiencing the most pain.These exercises are designed to help build strength and support the surrounding muscles. • Guided stretching designed to improve range of motion and flexibility. This will take into account the health and vivacity of vertebrae and anypotential stretches that maysupport optimal back health. • Support and guidance with an exercise routine and habit formation, especially with cardiovascular activity that can stimulate improved blood circulation to the affected areas of the back, as well as strength-building activities. Attemptingtoundertakeanyofthesechangesonyourownafteryou’ve experienced a back injury is both dangerous and not recommended. Working with a licensed and experienced physical therapist can provideyouwith the guidance and ongoing support thatyou need to ensure that you do not experience any further injury as you attempt to heal the cause of your back pain.

Getting To The Bottom of Back Pain

There are a lot of different reasons as to why you may be experiencingbackpain,and ignoringanyofthem isnotagood idea. Some of the most common issues that cause back pain to linger include: • Muscle sprain or strain • Slipped vertebrae or disc • Tearorhyperextension to the supporting muscles ortendons • Arthritis Theseconcernscandevelopasaresultofamyriadofenvironmental issues, such as having poorposture, prolonged sedenteryactivity, car crash, sporting accident, stress, heavy lifting, and so on. When It Comes To Back Pain, Don’t Wait! When you experience an injury to your back, or realize that you are experiencing regular pain as a result of an ongoing injury or overuse, it is important to find out the cause of your back pain as quickly as possible. Back pain can quickly become chronic, as a potentially small issue can become complicated when it is not addressed early on. Working with a physical therapist can help you to identifythe difference between environmental causes and something more medically based. To get started with putting an end to your back pain, contact us.

Call Iberia Sports & Rehabilitation at 337.367.3331 or visit isrehab.com to schedule your appointment today!

Exercise Essentials

Exercise Essentials

Four Point Trunk Flexion & Extension Startonhandsandknees.Arch your back up to the ceiling as high as you comfortably can, and hold. Then, arch your back theoppositedirectionas lowas you comfortably can, and hold. Repeat 6 times.

Thoracic Rotation Sit with your arms folded in frontyourchest.Rotateyour upperbacktoonesidewhile keeping your lower back tightandasstillaspossible. Rotatetotheotherside,then repeatthemotion6-10times.





We Are A Proud Partner Of Louisiana Athletic Care!

Promoting a safe environment forathletes to pursue theirgoals. LouisianaAthleticCare ’smissionistodeliverpromptandskillfulathletictraining servicestoathletesparticipating inavarietyofsportsaswellastopromoteasafe environment to pursue their goals. Since 2003, Iberia Sports and Rehabilitation has donated modalities and therapy tools to each of it’s partner schools. Those donations include Estim units, ultrasound units, treatment tables among others. Wehavedonatedourtimeandservicesto100’sofstudentathletesovertheyears, includingsendingourphysicaltherapiststoworkonsitewithlocalAthleticTrainers during football season. Physical therapists work hand in hand with local athletic trainersandschoolstoprovidevaluableservicestogettheirstudentathletesback onthefield.Theresourcesandtheabilitytoprovide individualizedattentionmake ISR PTs an irreplaceable part of the partnershipwith local high schools and their athletictrainers.Coachesandadministratorsatthe localhighschoolsarequickto recommend ISR to their faculty and staff having seen first hand the outstanding work theyprovide to the student athletes at theirrespective schools. Not only does ISR rehabilitate local student athletes, they often times will see multiple family members come through the door through the years, making them feel safe knowing their loved oneswere treated sowell.When local student athletes need the highest quality of care and rehabilitation, they are referred to Iberia Sports and Rehab.

What is an Athletic Trainer? A Licensed Athletic Trainer is a qualified healthcare professional, highly educated and experienced in the management of healthcare problems associated with sportsparticipation. Incooperationwithphysiciansand other allied health professionals, the Licensed Athletic Trainer functions as an integral member of the athletic health care team in secondary schools, college and universities, sports medicine clinics, professional sports programs and otherhealth care settings.

Learn more by visiting laathleticcare.com

Healthy Recipe Fruity Energy Bombs

Let’s Play A Game.


Instructions Combine almonds, figs and apricots in a food processor; pulseuntilfinelychopped.Rollthe mixture intosmallballsanddredge in coconut. To make ahead: Cover and refrigerate forup to 3 days or freeze up to 3 months. • 1 cup chopped almonds • 1 cup dried figs • 1 cup dried apricots • 1/3 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

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