Roadside PT: Herniated Discs

I absolutely love this place! It’s a family owned business and they’re very attentive to clients needs. They have a great space which includes both physical therapy and personal training. I recently visited for physical therapy to get some help with my IT Band issues. Rashmi really helped me with my injury with acknowledging where my weaknesses were and giving exercises to strengthen and stretches to relieve tightness. Thanks to the Vert family and Rashmi I’m back to running again. I highly recommend this place. You will not be disappointed. - Nicole L

Patient Success Spotlight “I have had physical therapy but have never had such excellent attention that was directly applied to my lower back problem,checked with me at each visit to evaluatemyprogressandcurrentpain levelandadjusted treatmentaccordingly. Now I can walk and work without pain. The physical therapist, Dr. Vaysa Alipio and her assistants are efficient, courteous, and respectful, all the equipment and quality of care is excellent .I would highly recommend Roadside.” - Roadside PT Patient Proyector del éxito del paciente “He recibido fisioterapia, pero nunca he recibido una atención tan excelente que se haya aplicado directamente a mi problema de la parte baja de la espalda, lo he consultado en cada visita para evaluar mi progreso y el nivel de dolor actual, y he ajustado el tratamiento en consecuencia. Ahora puedo caminar y trabajar sin dolor. La fisioterapeuta, la Dra. Vaysa Alipio y sus asistentes son eficientes, corteses y respetuosos, todo el equipo y la calidad de la atención es excelente. Recomiendo encarecidamente Roadside.” - Roadside PT Paciente

Staff Spotlight VALENTINA FRANCO, CLINIC MANAGER “I recently joined the team, one of the newest and I’m extremely happy for this opportunity to expand my horizons. I actually want to be a Psychiatrist, and I know you may see it as something very different I believe I’m still dealing with patients and learning fr m amazing people. I love music, animals, dancing, taking pictures and make up.” Enfoque del Personal VALENTINA FRANCO, GERENTE DE CLÍNICA “Recientemente me uní al equipo, uno de los más nuevos y estoy extremadamente feliz p r esta oportunidad de expandir mis horizontes. De hecho, quiero ser psiquiatra, y sé que puedes verlo como algo muy diferente, creo que todavía estoy tratando con pacientes y aprendiendo de personas increíbles. Me encanta la música, los animales, bailar, tomar fotos y maquillarme.”


Clinic News! Noticias de la clínica!

Exercise Essentials Helps Flexibility

Ejercicios esenciales Ayuda a la flexibilidad Buceo De Cisne Acuéstatesobreelabdomencon losbrazos porencimade lacabeza.Presionatupecho hacia arriba, manteniendo los músculos del tronco y las piernas relajados. Repite 6 veces.

SWAN DIVE Layonstomachwithyourarmsoverhead. Press your chest upwards, keeping the muscles inyour trunkand legsrelaxed. Repeat 6 times.



Just across the street from our old location! 40-06 WARREN STREET ELMHURST, NEW YORK 11373

Always consult yourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercises youareunsureofdoing. Siempre consultaa tu fisioterapeutaomédicoantesde comenzar losejerciciosquenoestás segurodehacer.

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