Local businesses provide the majority of jobs for people in our area. Shopping local reduces your carbon footprint. The sales taxes you pay support this community and county.
Buying local helps to keep your community eco- nomically healthy for future generations. Buying local contributes to the local economy. Buying local creates a more vibrant city.
BUYING LOCAL The advantages of I L
BUYING LOCAL The advantages of BUYING
Denis Thibault Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall
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BUYING LOCAL The advantages of I
BUYING LOCAL The advantages of I AL BUYING LOCAL BUYING The advantages of
More stores = more taxes for the municipality More revenue means my city can provide more services. Local businesses are our largest employers.
Local business owners are trustworthy people. Local business owners offer great customer service. Local business owners listen to your needs.
Syd Gardiner Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall
Glen Grant Councillor / Conseiller City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall
BUYING LOCAL The advantages of I
BUYING LOCAL The advantages of ING L
Local businesses give you VIP service. Local businesses are more accessible. Local businesses are closer to you in more ways than one.
You matter more to local business owners. Local business owners go out of their way to meet your needs. Local business owners are people you know and trust.
Visit ChooseCornwall.ca for business news, career opportunities and much more!
BUYING LOCAL The advantages of BUYING
BUYING LOCAL The advantages of BUYING
Buying local makes a difference to the environment. Buying local means that you get a bigger choice of products and services. Buying local helps support non-profit organizations.
Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community. Local business owners contribute to local fundraising. Local business owners invest in the community and have a vested interest in its future.
Retail, restaurant and professional services. Le Village BIA.
Support your community. Shop locally
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