February 2021 Oracle


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Three years ago, I decided to run for the Board. I did that because I thought the Board could use someone else on it that had a financial background. I hoped at the time, that I would be considered for the Treasurer ’ s position. That didn ’ t happen. In the second year of my term I was nominated and selected as the President. That was not a position that I anticipated or even desired, but I accepted, as there were no other nominees that had accepted nomination. I knew that being on the Board would not be a walk in the park and being President was going to be challenging. That job was made more difficult when Susan, our long time Board Secretary retired. Replacing Susan with someone of equal qualifications turned out to be unsuccessful. Thankfully, with the hard work of Ed and Jennifer, we have been able to fill the gap. Soon afterwards, Clint Atherton, our then GM, accepted a job outside of ORPS. We were fortu- nate enough to find an amazing replacement in Ed. Then we were hit with COVID - 19. The complexity of trying to adapt to the everchanging State mandated rules was daunting to say the least. We had multiple executive sessions and regular Board meetings every month during the summer in order to keep up with the changes. When I was elected President, I set my own personal goals. One of those goals was to eliminate the animosi- ty amongst owners. To improve the social climate as stated in our Vision Statement. The other was to solve the issues around the Pickleball amenity. We hired an expert in Pickleball sound measuring and sound mitigation. The Board approved the Monarch Pickleball for use until 4PM daily. And we are now looking for solutions that will allow the Monarch ball to be used until evening without a negative impact to the surrounding lots. We need to solve this issue once and for all if we are going to achieve the social climate we desire. I have to say it has been a challenge, but one I took on because I felt I could make some positive achievements in the resort. I believe that, while I have kept the wheels on the bus, I have not completely achieved my goals. And frankly, it is time for me to step down. Therefore, as of the January meeting as President, I have turned over the gavel to the Vice President, Don Renoe.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel?!

In late January, as I drove through the San Gorgonio Pass to the Resort, it was in a drizzly rain with snow mixed in . . . indeed there was snow accumulation on the freeway. Shortly after returning to my office in the afternoon, I got a report that a “ mini ” funnel cloud had hit the El Saguaro Complex, complete with chairs being blown into the pools and tree branches/fronds being thrown about. I thought, “ How much worse can this get? ” Then, upon afternoon clearing, I saw the magnificent snow - capped mountain peaks dominate the skyline, and I had hope that things would brighten. I ’ ve had the same feeling about the constant presence of the pandemic for the last 11 months and I ’ ve thought, “ How much worse can this be? ” Today I looked at the stats for California and saw precipitous drop in new infections, even deaths have decreased. Later in the day, the Governor lifted the “ Stay at Home Order, ” which had dominated business decisions for months and I have high hopes that the worst has passed. While it may take a while for the Covid sky to completely brighten, lets ’ start thinking optimistically. Amenities open for complete and unfettered use . . . No more accusing fingers of mask - wearing or not . . . Being able to really see smiles and hear people clearly . . . No more plexiglass shields . . . No more decals on the floor telling us where to stand for proper “ social distancing. ” We ’ ll get there, I ’ m sure . . . and sooner rather than later. Yes, I ’ m a half full kind of guy! One last comment before I end. On this same page, I read of President Farmer ’ s resignation and the finality hit home. No one . . . no one can know the impact he has had on my arrival to ORPS. Taking over in very difficult circumstances, most particularly with four major staff positions newly filled, took all of the administrative chops I had, but running my ideas off Greg, with his quiet observations and support, meant everything. He is one of the best listeners I have ever had the privilege to rub shoulders with and it was an honor serving under his guidance. While we will carry on, and there will be other Presidents with their unique skill set to serve the Resort, his soft, yet firm hand will be personally missed. Indeed, I wish the Board Candidates the best in their endeavors to not only continue the Resort excellence, but to improve it. The sky is clearing . . . let ’ s move forward and I promise that the staff which serves you will continue to believe in “ Ladies and Gentlemen Serving Ladies and Gentlemen ”. Hopefully, that goes both ways.

I will stay on the Board until my term expires. During that time, I will work to provide as much support to Don as he wants. I would like to end by saying it has been my pleasure working with Ed. We are truly lucky to have him as our General Manager. I appreciate every member of the Board and can honestly say that I know they all want to do what is best for the Resort. Greg Farmer Board President

Ed Vitrano General Manager




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