Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health Directory for Sandwe…

Rethink Mental Illness 0808 801 0525


Open: 9:30 am – 4 pm, Mon to Fri except bank holidays Email: advice@rethink.org Post: Rethink, PO BOX 18252, Solihull, B91 9BA Web: https://www.rethink.org

Webchat service is open Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) from 10 am – 1 pm. Offers practical advice and support to people of all ages on issues such as the Mental Health Act, community care and welfare benefits, living with mental illness, medication and care. You can also find local services.

SANEline 0300 304 7000 or request a call back on 07984 967 708


Open: 4 pm – 10 pm, 7 days a week Email: support@sane.org.uk Web: https://www.sane.org.uk

SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. This is available for people 16 years old and over. To request a call back leave a message with your first name and phone number and they will call you back within a few minutes.

Shout Text SHOUT to 85258


Open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Web: https://giveusashout.org/

Shout 85258 is an anonymous, free, and confidential text support service for anyone. If you are struggling to cope and need to talk, their trained Shout volunteers are here for you, day or night. They can help with issues such as anxiety, stress, depression or sadness, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, panic attacks, loneliness, isolation, abuse and bullying.

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) 0300 111 5065


Email: email.support@uksobs.org Web: https://uksobs.org/

The service exists to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18, who have been bereaved by suicide. The website includes resources and there is as survival support group online for men on every second Tuesday of the month.

The Girl with the Curly Hair Project Web: https://thegirlwiththecurlyhair.co.uk/

E The Curly Hair Project is a social enterprise which supports people on the autistic spectrum and the people around them, founded by autistic author Alis Rowe. It offers animated films, comic strips and diagrams to make their work interesting and easy to understand. It offers a wealth of research on the website.


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