

Martial Levac candidat au conseil catholique

cation et un brevet d’agent de supervision du ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario, soit le plus haut niveau de certi!cation de l’éducation. M. Levac a commencé sa carrière dans l’enseignement à l’École secondaire catho- lique de Casselman en 1965, pour ensuite occuper les postes de directeur adjoint et directeur, jusqu’en 1986. C’est au ministère de l’Éducation et de la Formation, à Ottawa, que Martial Levac se dirige, entre 1986 et 1994, où il agit à titre d’agent d’éducation qui s’assure que les écoles et les conseils scolaires opèrent selon les règlements de la province. Il a également fait l’inspection

d’écoles privées en Europe et supervisé l’enseignement des écoles dans les quatre institutions pénitentiaires de Kingston, en Ontario. En 1994,l a même année de sa retraite, il est élu au poste de conseiller scolaire pour une période de quatre ans. Après un séjour en politique municipale, il fait un retour au conseil scolaire en 2003, où il oeuvrera jusqu’à ce jour. Il sera également président du conseil scolaire, de 2006 à 2008 et de 2013 à 2014. Tombé dans l’éducation comme Obélix est tombé dans la potion magique, il se sent à l’aise et trouve tout naturel d’apporter sa contacted her during the time when he was considering whether or not to run, to let her know his !nal decision. With the start of the o#cial campaign period, Gervais is working on developing both a website as part of his candidate promotion and also nailing down his campaign strategy and platform. “What I’ve been doing so far until now,” he said, “has been word-of-mouth since I !led my nomination papers.” He noted that the Catholic school sys- tem in Canada has a long history of o#- cial acceptance

contribution et sa riche expérience aux jeunes. Son par- cours fait de lui un joueur de premier plan, assure-t-il. «Plus on inves- tit dans le système d’éducation, plus on converge à créer une société dyna-


CASSELMAN l Martial Levac sera de nou- veau candidat au poste de conseiller sco- laire pour le Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO) pour représenter les municipalités de Cas- selman et La Nation. À 71 ans, M. Levac a une longue feuille de route dans le domaine de l’éducation derrière lui. Ce bachelier Es Art en biblio- théconomie possède une maîtrise en édu-

Martial Levac

mique et économiquement rentable pour notre province. L’éducation est la base d’une société; plus on va former les gens, plus ils seront en mesure de donner en retour.

Church deacon Rick Gervais enters school district election GREGG CHAMBERLAIN GREGG.CHAMBERLAIN@EAP.ON.CA

Catholics, who want their children taught in a Catholic school,” he said, noting that the “value-added curriculum” is part of the rea- son. In the hypertext world of the 21st Cen- tury, when children and adults have imme- diate access through the Internet and email to information, both good and bad, Gervais is con!dent that the Catholic Church and the Catholic school system can compete. “Family is the key,” he said.

CHENEY | There will be some competition for at least one school board trustee seat in this year’s civic election. Deacon Rick Gervais has decided to toss his collar into the election ring for the Pres- cott-Russell trustee seat around the table of the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO). For Gervais, a retired tea- cher with more than three decades of cre- dentials with Catholic and public schools and also in the Canadian Armed Forces, it’s

Deacon Rick Gervais

he can to maintain a working and strong Catholic education system both within Eastern Ontario and the province at large,

and support dating back to Confede- ration when it was enshrined in the Bri- tish North America Act and its place in Canadian society was recon!rmed more than a century later in the Cana- dian Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Free- doms. The Catholic school system, he added, is not just for students from Catholic families either. “There are parents who are not

his !rst venture out- side of the classroom and into a school dis- trict boardroom. He sees it as a logical next step in his duties as a church deacon. “A deacon is meant to be outside in society,”

for those parents and students who want an alternative to the public and/ or private school systems. A Catholic school system in- cludes instruction in the doctrine, tenets,

Gervais emphasized that he has no objections or problems with the past work of Sue Wilson, the incumbent CDSBEO trustee.

613 445-2664 182 CASTOR ST., RUSSELL, ON

Gervais said during an interview in his Che- ney home over the Labour Day weekend. “My ministry is to Catholic schools, because of my background as a teacher. I know how school boards run, and I know how schools are administered.” Gervais lists his four primary goals as a potential CDSBEO trustee as “to preserve, proclaim, promote, and protect Catholic education.” By that, Gervais means to do all

and moral and ethical issues that are part and parcel of the Roman Catholic faith. “If a Catholic school is no di"erent from a public school,” he said, “then what’s the point of it? But if a Catholic school is a Catholic school, then faith is also part of the curriculum. If I can make a di"erence, I will try to.” Gervais emphasized that he has no objec- tions or problems with the past work of Sue Wilson, the incumbent CDSBEO trustee. He




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