8431 Murphy Drive Middleton, WI 53562
Telephone: 608-836-4400 Facsimile: 608-831-9279 www.intertek.com/building
TEST REPORT FOR HY-C COMPANY, LLC Report No.: 104415176MID-002AR2 Date: 11/09/21
E T = (C s – C r )Q std θ
PROPORTIONAL RATE VARIATION (%) – ASTM E2515 PR = [θ(V mi V s T m T si )/(10(V m V si T s T mi )] x 100 MEASUREMENT OF UNCERTAINTY – ASTM E2515 MU weighing = √ 0.1 2 • X GENERAL FORMULA – ASTM E2515 uY = √((δY/δx 1 ) x u 1 ) 2 + … + ((δY/δx n ) x u n ) 2 Where: δ Y/ δ x i = Partial derivative of the combining formula with respect to individual measurement xi, u i = is the uncertainty associated with that measurement. TOTAL PARTICULATE EMISSIONS – ASTM E2515 E T = (c s – c r ) Q std θ where: c s = sample filter catch/(sample flow rate x test duration), g/dscf, c r = room background filter catch/(sample flow x sampling time), g/dscf, Q std = average dilution tunnel flow rate, dscf/min, and θ = sampling time, minutes. MU OF c s c s = F c /(Q sample x θ) = 0.025/(0.25 x 180) = 0.0005555 δc s /δF c = 1/Q sample • Θ = 1/0.25 • 180 = 0.0222 δc s /δQ sample = -F c /Q 2 sample • Θ = -0.025/0.25 2 • 180 = -0.00222 δc s /δΘ = -F c /Q sample • Θ 2 = -0.025/0.25 • 180 2 = -0.000003 MUc s = √(0.00027 • 0.0222) 2 + (0.0025 • - 0.00222) 2 √ + (0.1 • - 0.000003) 2 = 0.0000091g Thus, c s would be 0.555 mg/dscf ± 0.0081 mg/dscf at 95% confidence level. MU OF c r
c r = BG c /(QBG x θ) = 0.002/(0.15 x 180) = 0.000074 δc r /δBG c = 1/Q BG • Θ = 1/0.15 • 180 = 0.03704 δc r /δQ BG = -BG c /Q 2 BG • Θ = -0.002/0.15
2 • 180 = -0.0004938
δc r /δΘ = -BG c /Q BG • Θ
2 = -0.002/0.15 • 180 2 = -0.0000004
MUc r = √(0.00027 • 0.03704)
2 + (0.0015 • - 0.0004938) 2
√ + (0.1 • - 0.0000004) 2 = 0.00001g Thus, c r would be 0.074 mg/dscf ± 0.01 mg/dscf at 95% confidence level.
Version: 03/13/18
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