FC1000E/SF1000E/X1020/L1020: EPA 2020 Certification Report

8431 Murphy Drive Middleton, WI 53562

Telephone: 608-836-4400 Facsimile: 608-831-9279 www.intertek.com/building

TEST REPORT FOR HY-C COMPANY, LLC Report No.: 104415176MID-002AR2 Date: 11/09/21




Danny Hanes

HY-C Company, LLC

Ken Slater

Intertek B&C Intertek B&C

Brian Ziegler


From September 16, 2020 to September 19, 2020, the unit was tested for EPA emissions. For air furnaces, the test was conducted in accordance with CSA B415.1-2010. The fuel used for the test run was oak cordwood. The applicable EPA regulatory limits are: Step 1 – 2016 – 0.93 lb/MMBtu Output (0.4g/MJ) – For furnaces rated less than 65,000 Btu/hr Step 1 – 2017 – 0.93 lb/MMBtu Output (0.4g/MJ) – For furnaces rated more than 65,000 Btu/hr Step 2 – 2020 – 0.15 lb/MMBtu Output (0.026 g/MJ) TEST SET-UP DESCRIPTION A 6” diameter vertical single wall pipe and insulated chimney system was installed to 15’ above floor level. The singe wall pipe extended to 8 feet above the floor and insulated chimney extended

the remaining height. AIR SUPPLY SYSTEM

Combustion air enters an inlet pipe located on the back of the heater, which is directed to the firebox. All gases exit through the 6” flue also located at the top of the heater. The exhaust gases are assisted by a combustion blower. TEST FUEL PROPERTIES

Wood used for the testing is split and seasoned oak cordwood. Oak has a default heating value of 8595 Btu/hr (19973 kJ/kg) and a moisture content between 18% and 28% on a dry basis.

Version: 03/13/18

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