

In the name of accessibility PAGE 2

La musique du fond du chœur.. PAGE 4

November 18 novembre 2015

V. 6 N. 2

Cornwall remembers its fallen

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.” These were the words that echoed at the Cornwall Cenotaph, where thousands of the city’s residents came to pay their respect on November 11. An eerie silence overcame the crowd, as the nation’s ag proudly danced in the wind and a nearby church’s bells pierced the cold, morning air. Countless police ofcers, remen, veterans and current Canadian Armed Forces members proudly made their way to the cenotaph, before coming to a complete, straight stop MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 10

In the name of accessibility... FRANCIS RACINE

The City of Cornwall hopes to become an accessible and barrier-free community by 2025. To help achieve that goal, the City relies in part on the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC). This volunteer group of residents advises Council on accessibility matters and provides annual updates on Cornwall’s progress in becoming barrier-free. Pictured are Jim Althouse, Parks and Landscaping supervisor; Steve McGillis, Cornwall Transit; Chris Perry, assistant supervisor, Facilities Operations; Ron Flaro, MAAC member; Manon Levesque, deputy City clerk and Accessibility advisory; Lynn Blanchard, plantsperson, Cornwall Transit operator; Councillor Justin Towndale and Linda Varga, Transit Technician Accessibility. In the second row: Len Tapp, Cornwall Transit Division manager; Kim Baird, past councillor and MAAC representative; Jennifer Jarvis, MAAC member; Amanda Escobar, MAAC member’s daughter; Ben Caron, MAAC member; Dawn Kiddell, chief librarian and Vanessa Langevin. In the front are: Councillor Carilyne Hébert; Rick Lapierre, MAAC member; Carol Escobar, MAAC chair and Ted Emerton-Proulx, MAAC member.

For some, a simple walk in the park or taking the three-o’ clock bus can be a real challenge or can even be impossible. Such is the case for people afflicted with disabilities and who reside in Cornwall. Although the term is widely used, its broa- der explanation might come as a surprise to many. The term covers several afflictions and is described by the Ontario Human Rights Commission as “any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or dis- figurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes

diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impedi- ment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device.” In addition, the province’s system for human rights also states that “a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability, a learning disability, or a dys- function in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language as well as a mental

disorder” is to be considered a disability. Such people often have limitedmobility and are therefore at a disadvantage when visiting some buildings. The Province of Ontario established the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) The Act’s mission is to “develop, imple- ment and enforce accessibility standards in order to achieve accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities with respect to goods, ser- vices, facilities, accommodation, employ- ment, buildings, structures and premises on or before January 1, 2025.” A change that isn’t that expensive It’s been 10 years since the AODA came

into effect and, in that time, the City has made tremendous gains on accessibility, utilizing one simple tactic. Manon Levesque, deputy City clerk and accessibility advisor for the City of Cornwall, explained that steps are taken to ensure proper accessibility prior to the construction of City projects. “It’s not man- datory to do so,” she said. “But we think it’s a great idea. The cost to build something properly accessible is nearly the same as its less accessible counterpart.” She pointed to the Benson Centre as being “the perfect example”. “With the Benson Centre, we decided to put in

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 18 novembre 2015


elevators,” she explained. “We put larger hallways. In all, it wasn’t that much more expensive.” Cornwall answering the call From the hallways of the flagship Benson Centre to new play structures in community parks, Cornwall is slowly transforming itself into an accessible city. In order to answer the needs of peo- ple with disabilities, the City created the Accessibility Plan . “The council of the City of Cornwall is committed to working towards a city in which no new barriers are created and existing ones are removed,” states the plan. “This responsibility rests with every social and economic sector, every region, every government, every organization, institu- tion and association and every person in Cornwall and Ontario.” The plan has also set a goal of achieving an accessible and barrier-free community by 2025. To help achieve that goal, the City relies in part on theMunicipal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC).This volun- teer group of residents advises council on accessibility matters and provides annual updates on Cornwall’s progress in beco- ming barrier-free. “We have become known as one of the leaders in the province on accessibility is- sues,” said Levesque. “We took a pro-active approachmany years ago and it is starting to pay dividends.The results are becoming more apparent and we continue to make strides every year.” On November 5, theMAAC took things a step further by organizing a tour to show- case the accessibility features in place at a number of public facilities and parks in Cornwall. City officials, MAAC members and other community leaders got to see and hear about the accessibility features in place at the Aquatic Centre, Benson Centre, Cornwall Public Library, Cornwall Transit and numerous parks. Tour participants got to see a whole slate of features that add to Cornwall’s reputation as an accessible community.This includes ramped pool entrances and swimming aids at the Aquatic Centre, designated seating areas for persons in wheelchairs and their families at the Benson Centre and elevator access and large-print of- ferings at the library, to name just a few. Tour participants were transported by Cornwall Transit, which proudly offers a Handi-Transit service. “Thanks to the work of MAAC and the support of City council, we really have come a long way in removing barriers in our community,” said Manon Levesque. Thirteen of the City’s parks have splash- pads and/or accessible playground equip- ment, with plans to addmore in the future. In addition, eight intersections are now equipped with audible pedestrian signals.

students bring home important wins Three students of the St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School took home an important win, during the Upper Canada Cup Cross Country Championships, held at Memorial Park in Brockville, on October 27. Cole Lavigne, Braeden Levac and Ally Hebert were honored by their school and awarded medals for their feat. The event attracted 1,200 runners from across the Upper Canada District School Board, and utilized a Sportstats timing chip system, which provided organizers with instantaneous results.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Journal Cornwall


La musique du fond du chœur


Les choristes du Chœur en Fête, dirigés par Michèle Chauvin-Bourdon, étaient tout en voix lors de la 4e édition de Vive Cornwall en 2013

Michèle Chauvin-Bourdon le dit elle-mê- me : elle construit des chorales partout où elle va. C’est sans doute que lamusique a coulé dans ses veines presque toute sa vie. Portait d’une amoureuse du rythme et des harmonies. C’est depuis 15 ans queMichèle Chauvin- Bourdon s’occupe de la direction artistique de la chorale le Chœur en Fête. « Mon conjoint a fréquenté le Collège classique de Cornwall. Il a fait partie d’une chorale, à l’époque, qui s’appelait Les Voix de l’Harmonie. À chaque année, ils se rencontrent durant l’été pour

des retrouvailles amicales, et ça chante, et ils ont du plaisir! Lors d’une des rencontres à laquelle j’ai participé, j’ai vu que personne ne faisait actuellement partie d’une chorale. Alors j’ai demandé : pourquoi? Ils m’ont ré- pondu : on t’attendait! Lorsque nous sommes revenus de Kingston à Cornwall, j’ai tout de suite entrepris des démarches et je les ai tous contactés. C’est comme cela que ça a com- mencé et ça fait 15 ans que la chorale roule à Cornwall. Même une de mes choristes qui est là depuis le tout début chante encore avec nous », a-t-elle raconté.

En effet, la chorale, composée de 15 à 22 membres, des personnes retraitées pour la plupart, roule sa bosse à Cornwall depuis belle lurette. Le nombre de participants varie d’une saison à l’autre. « Cela varie en fonc- tion de ceux qui passent l’hiver en Floride », a plaisantéMme Chauvin-Bourdon. « Nous avons quatre hommes et les autres partici- pantes sont des femmes », a-t-elle poursuivi. Le recrutement s’avère quelquefois difficile pour la troupe, puisque selon la directrice, c’est plutôt du bouche-à-oreille qui fait que les gens s’inscrivent. « Comme c’est du bénévolat, ce n’est pas toujours évident de recruter des nouveaux choristes, c’est tout un mandat. Il faut assister aux pratiques et se rendre disponible aux dates des concerts » a-t-elle ajouté. Celle qui a enseigné lamusique pendant de nombreuses années a réussi à mettre sa passion en action à travers l’Ontario et le Québec. « J’ai enseigné la musique à Cornwall, il y a longtemps, puis dans le nord du Québec, à Chapais, puis ensuite à Kingston. J’ai toujours donné des leçons de piano aussi. » Cet amour de l’enseignement de la musique se transmet maintenant bé- névolement, à tous les choristes de Chœur en Fête. En plus de diriger la chorale, Mme Chauvin-Bourdon écrit les différentes partitions musicales. « Je dois regarder les partitions et faire les arrangements pour notre groupe. Si la partition est à quatre voix, il faut lamodifier puisque nous n’avons pas assez d’hommes! Donc je dois faire des modifications aux altos et combiner les voix ténors et basses pour ne faire qu’une seule voix », a-t-elle décrit. «Maintenant j’écris les

partitions avec un logiciel à l’ordinateur. Au début, c’était tout un apprentissage. Mais aujourd’hui, ça me prends un peu moins de temps que la retranscription à lamain. » Même si la lecture des partitions n’est pas donnée à tous, les chanteurs de la chorale de Michèle Chauvin-Bourdon arrivent à suivre la cadence. « J’ai enseigné lamusique pendant de nombreuses années, mais les choristes arrivent tout demême à suivre les partitions même s’ils n’ont pas eu de cours théoriques proprement dit. La musique est un langage, avec une autre écriture, que tous peuvent comprendre », a-t-elle expliqué. Le répertoire de Chœur en Fête est très varié, puisque les pièces sont choisies par les membres du chœur eux-mêmes. « Les pièces sont choisies de façon un peu interactive. Les membres peuvent me soumettre les parti- tions demusique qu’ils souhaitent appren- dre. Mais il faut les partitions, je ne veux pas apprendre seulement à l’aide d’un disque », a expliqué. Mme Chauvin-Bourdon. Allant d’Isabelle Boulay à Jean-Pierre Ferland en passant par Félix Leclerc, la troupe navigue entre plusieurs genres musicaux. « Une de nos chansons favorites est La langue de chez nous d’Yves Duteil, puisqu’el- le est très significative pour nous. Ça fait huit ou neuf ans qu’on la fait, mais on ne veut pas l’abandonner », a-t-elle déclaré. La troupe fait essentiellement des spectacles dans les résidences pour personnes âgées. « On fait des concerts dans les foyers de personnes âgées, quatre durant le temps de Noël et quatre au printemps. On a une partie de notre répertoire, environ un quart, qui est anglophone, parce que dans les foyers pour personnes âgées, il y a beaucoup de gens

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 18 novembre 2015

anglophones. On fait beaucoup de spiritual en anglais comme I Feel the Spirit ou encore Lord I Want , mais aussi du folklore et de la chanson populaire en anglais et en français », a expliqué Mme Chauvin-Bourdon. Cette année, le Chœur en Fête a eu la chance de faire entendre ses voix lors des cérémonies de la Fête du drapeau franco-ontarien, à Cornwall. « Nous avons chanté pour le drapeau franco-ontarien, pour la promenade d’honneur. Nous avons interprété le Oh, Canada et Mon beau drapeau . Ça été un beau moment (…) L’importance du français n’est pas toujours comprise par les jeunes, c’est plus tard qu’ils sentent le besoin de protéger la langue. Au moins, il y a beaucoup d’ateliers dans les écoles pour promouvoir le français, grâce à la Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO) », a-t-elle affirmé. « On fait aussi des concerts de Noël. Cette année les représenta- tions auront lieu les 2 et 3 décembre ainsi que les 9 et 10 décembre. Les spectacles donnés les mercredis sont en après-midi et ceux donnés les jeudis sont en soirée. Chaque représentation a lieu dans une résidence différente », a rappelé Michèle Chauvin-Bourdon. Bien que le Chœur en Fête soit affilié avec le théâtre L’Amalgame, Mme Chauvin-Bourdon a spécifié que ce sont deux entités diffé- rentes. « La chorale est affiliée avec le théâtre L’Amalgame, mais est complètement autonome, on ne fait pas de spectacles ensemble et on ne récolte pas d’argent pour nos spectacles. Pour nous, c’est un plaisir de chanter », a affirmé la directrice de la chorale.

Michèle Chauvin-Bourdon a également enseigné le piano pendant de nombreuses années, en Ontario et au Québec, avant de fonder le Chœur en Fête.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Journal Cornwall


Taking a seat in the artistic director’s chair


Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 18 novembre 2015

Food for Fines The annual Food for Fines campaign at SD&G County Library is back this November. Once again, library patrons are invited to pay off overdue fines by donating non-perishable food items from November 16 to 30. For each item donated, one dollar of fines will be forgiven. The campaign is a win-win for patrons as they have the opportunity to give back to their communities while also clearing up outstanding library fines. The campaign is also a benefit for the SDG community. Branches will work with local food banks to ensure donated items reach the communities they serve. In some cases, local food banks have also provided branches lists of items that are in high demand in their communities. “Food for Fines is a great way for both the library and the residents to get involved in the community,” said Karen Franklin, director of library services.

Behind every one of the Upper Canada Playhouse’s successful plays is a man who, having already been in the spotlight in the past, would rather take a backseat to the audience’s loud applauses. “You’re only as good as your last show,” he said, his lips curving into a smile. Donnie Bowes, the Playhouse’s artistic director, takes off his fall coat and drops his hat on the table in front of him, before sitting on a small of- fice chair. One look at him reveals that he’s a man who has lived quite an exciting life. Originally from New Brunswick, he ob- tained a degree in English but admits that the love of theater nearly sent himoverboard. “I joined the theater society and nearly flunked my degree. I spent too much time there,” recalled Bowes. Following his graduation, he began a teaching position in New Brunswick that lasted four years. Midway through, how- ever, the theater bug bit him again. “I left my teaching job onemonth before the sum- mer, in order to go work at a small Montreal theater called La Poudrière,” he admitted. He served as the theater’s stage manager and was awarded with his first “true” taste of show business. In addition, the move created what he calls his first culture clash. “I moved there in 1975, and immediately, I noticed how busy it was. Do keep inmind that it was the year before the big Montreal Olympics. It was buzzing!” Although he left the city following the end of his contract, he highlights that it was “a great experience and a great introduction to the real theater world.” He resumed his teaching position in his native province, but soon enough, the hard- working man was once again on the prowl, moving to Toronto. “At first it was scary,” he said, looking around the room. “But my first month there, I managed to land a role in a musical. I couldn’t sing much, but I could carry a tune. If you can act and sing, you’re worth a lot.” A community within a city, the actor’s ghetto Surrounded by other actors, Bowes soon became submerged in the theater culture that was heavily present in Toronto’s down- town. “The people I worked with becamemy friends. They showed me everything about the city and even introduced me to what they called the actor ghetto.” The “actor ghetto” was a community within a city. Consisting of a small number of apartment buildings, it housed a good portion of the city’s actors. “It was a great thing to experience,” he explained, adjusting himself on the small chair. “We all wanted to make it big, to further our careers. There wasn’t always a role for all of us, so when- ever auditions were about to take place, you could hear, through the walls, all the other habitants of the apartment, practicing the same lines!”

Above all, every actor wanted to do be on television, as it paid the most. “If you were to walk on Young Street and see this actor walking around with a brand-new leather jacket, you knew full well that he was acting on television. Nowadays it seems to have changed, as actors in musicals are being paid more.” While discussing the memories of his nine years spent in the actor’s ghetto, one can plainly see the raw emotions resurfacing on the 65-year-old man’s face. “You’d go to sleep never knowing where you’d be the next time you want to bed,” he said. Bowes trav- elled extensively across Canada, in order to direct and star in plays. “I went toMontreal, Calgary and even New Brunswick.” It’s in the strange but comforting neigh- bourhood that Bowes, then in his late twen- ties, came to a life-changing realisation. “I figured that there were three types of actors,” he indicated. “Some wanted to become big, the next star. Some just couldn’t do it and eventually left the profession. Then there were others, likeme, who simply wanted to do what they loved, all the while being able to survive, doing it.” Following his departure from Toronto, he established his own theater company, in Mississauga.That’s when the outgoingman discovered his love of marketing. “I loved running the show. I was in charge of reach- ing out to newspapers and radio stations. It was great, but it certainly was challenging.” Bowes points to the fact that most of his clientele lived in Toronto, therefore he had to cater to the big city’s hundreds of radio stations. “Newspapers were easy, but radio stations were different,” he stressed, uttering a loud sigh. “There’s just somany of them, I didn’t know which one to go with.” From the big city to Morrisburg After several years of irregular schedules and overnight travels, Bowes was offered what he considers is the chance of a lifetime. Fifteen years ago, he learned that the Upper Canada Playhouse, located in Morrisburg, was in need of an artistic director. “I have acted in several plays and musicals,” said Bowes. “But I’ve always, deep down, wanted to direct.” And directing he has. His role consists of being in charge of at least three to four plays a year. “When we have guest directors, I act as production assistant, meaning I help out with the guest director’s every need.” The artistic director’s other roles include marketing and promotion. “I’m the one in charge of dealing with local newspapers in order to get out our name out,” he explained. “I do everything so that our season starts off right.” In his own words, Bowes compares himself to a parish priest. “Being an artis- tic director means you must be the face of the Playhouse and you must also be in the community and be a part of it.”

EST À LA RECHERCHE DE D’UN(E) CONSEILLER(ÈRE) EN PUBLICITÉ À CORNWALL La personne idéale sera une personne retraitée ou semi-retraitée qui possède beaucoup d’entregent et qui désire arrondir ses ns demois. EXIGENCES : • Posséder de l’expérience dans le domaine de la vente • Être bilingue (français, anglais), écrit et oral

• Respecter les heures de tombées • Être capable de travailler en équipe

Faire parvenir son curriculum vitae par courriel à • Posséder une voiture et l’utiliser pour le travail • Avoir un horaire „exible pour projets spéciaux RÉMUNÉRATION : Bonne commission DATE D’ENTRÉE EN FONCTION : Le plus tôt possible

Seules les personnes retenues pour une entrevue seront contactées.

IS LOOKING FOR A SALESPERSON IN CORNWALL ˆe ideal candidate is a retired or semi-retired person with excellent interpersonal skills who wants to earn extra money. REQUIREMENTS: • Experience in sales an asset • Bilingual (French, English), both oral and written • Demonstrated teamwork • Respect deadlines

• Possess valid driver’s license and use of vehicle • Time/Schedule „exibility for special projects SALARY: Good commission STARTING DATE: As soon as possible

Send your resume by email to

Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Journal Cornwall




Un capitaine visite La Citadelle Le 11 novembre dernier, le capitaine de corvette Jean D. Lalonde est venu discuter de son métier à l’École secondaire catholique La Citadelle. Les élèves ont appris ce qu’est une corvette, soit un petit navire de guerre. Elle est traditionnellement considérée comme l’un des plus petits bateaux de la marine. La corvette pèse typiquement entre 500 et 2000 tonnes. En plus de la présentation, les élèves ont aussi décoré plusieurs coquelicots et se sont on informés quant au rôle qu’a joué le Canada lors des deux guerres mondiales et de la Guerre de Corée. On reconnaît, dans l’ordre habituel, Anthony Tessier, Jacob Sauvé, Marrakesh Santin, Anissa-Beth Mitchell, le capitaine Jean D. Lalonde, Sebastian Pettinicchio, Nathan Bogar et Campbell Simard.

They dominated all their fellow Cornwall schools and came out on top. Students from Bishop Macdonell Catholic School’s junior soccer team were all smiles, as they recently won the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario soccer tournament. The Ravens took the winning title, beating all other participating schools. Pictured are Oliver Pawis, Mateo Lucio (second row), Mikayla Summers, Olivia Legue, Trystan Charbonneau, Isaac Charbonneau, Max Landry, (back) Tyson Fournier, Marco Wattie, Alex Poitras, Janice Labelle, Krya Judd, Kial Leroux, Henessy St. Louis and Hayden White. A dominating team

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 18 novembre 2015


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Cleaning the Raisin River

On October 25, the Raisin River shoreline at Pitt and Tollgate in Cornwall got a water friendly makeover when over 60 volunteers planted 400 trees and shrubs. The water’s edge plantation came out of a grant that Raisin Region Conservation Authority’s (RRCA) recently received from the RBC Bluewater Project to make habitat improvements along the Raisin River shoreline within the City of Cornwall. RRCA, RBC, Tim Hortons and City of Cornwall staff joined students, nearby homeowners, and family members to create a riparian (shoreline) buffer zone located next to the local Tim Hortons. Pictured above are Karen Douglass Cooper (River Protection Network), Lissa Deslandes, Normand Genier and Matt Levac (Raisin Region Conservation Authority).

A way of saying thank you

An innovative Central Public School and General Vanier after-school program has prompted the Boys and Girls Club of Cornwall to adopt it. The project is geared at thanking veterans for their service. «Respect is a big thing we talk about in school and we also bring it into our after-school program,” explained Trevor Smith, communications and marketing co-ordinator for the Boys and Girls Club. The students therefore created countless cards, expressing their gratitude for the sacrifices made during past conflicts. The project was created by Toni Murray, a Boys and Girls Club after-school program employee. The dedicated woman also happens to work at the Royal Canadian Legion and therefore delivered the cards to veterans after the Remembrance Day ceremonies on November 11. Pictured are Hayden, holding his newly created card, and Toni Murray.

938-1433 F196030_TS


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Journal Cornwall


Cornwall remembers its fallen

Thousands of Cornwall citizens gathered at the city’s cenotaph on November 11, in order to pay their respect to those who died during the two World Wars, the Korean War as well as the Afghanistan War. Members of every branch of the Canadian Armed Forces were present, as well as Cornwall Police officers, RCMP members and OPP. All of them paraded from the Cornwall Legion before coming to a silent stop in front of the cenotaph. “Today, we honour those who have given all they could in sacrifice,» explained Linda Fisher, president of the Legion Branch 297. Several dignitaries, such as MP Guy Lauzon and MPP Jim McDonell, laid wreaths at the foot of the cenotaph.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 18 novembre 2015

Important Notice Avis important


EST MAINTENANT DISPONIBLE SEULEMENT aux endroits suivants : A-Z Convenience Store - 340 - 4th West Pop Shoppe - 101 Emma C-Store/MacEwen Gas Bar - 5756 Hwy 138 Mitchell’s Variety - 3034 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 1292 Pitt Desjardins Caisse populaire - 840 Pitt Carl’s Smoke Shop - 272 Pitt Gilles’ Quick Stop - 1102 Cumberland Food Basics - 960 Brookdale Metro - 1400 Vincent Massey Benson Centre - 800 - 7th West Giant Tiger - 609 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 439 - 13th West

AVAILABLE only at these fine places: ACFO - Centre C-E Claude - 146 Chevrier TAS Convenience Store - 1001 Montreal Rd Food Basics - 1315 Second East No Frills - Eastcourt Mall Four Leaf Convenience Store - 128 Lefebvre Ave. 711 MAX - 472 Leitch Drive FreshCo - 525 - 9th East

Jean Coutu Pharmacy - 5 - 9th East OLCO - 18267 Cty Rd. 2, Glen Walter Shopper’s Drug Mart - Cornwall Square Lotto Centre - Cornwall Square MacEwen C-Store - Second W. & York Short Line Convenience & Video Store - 1300 Second West



Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Journal Cornwall


Trinity Anglican Church The Trinity Anglican Church is organizing its Fall Luncheon on communautaire Le lien community link The November 18, at 105 2nd St. W. Soup and assorted sandwiches, cheese and pickles, desserts, coffee and tea will be served. Craft, bake and book tables. Les Chevaliers de Colomb Les Chevaliers de Colomb organisent leur souper rosbif, le 19 novembre prochain, à la salle Saint- François, au 434, rue Second, de 17 h à 18 h 30 St. Andrew’s - St. Marks United Church The Reverend &The Choir Boys Concert will take place on November 20, at 7 p.m., at the St.Andrew’s-St.Mark’s United Church on Johnson Cr., Long Sault. Concert will feature Christmas, gospel, country and folk music. For more information: 613-534-2150. Centre Charles-Émile-Claude Le Centre Charles-Émile-Claude or- ganise un atelier sur la prévention de la grippe, la vaccination et la gastro. Jason Lapointe du Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario viendra informer les curieux, le 20 novembre, dès 10 h. Pour plus d’information : 613-932-1035. Junkyard Symphony The Junkyard Symphony Day Care Duo invites all pre-school aged children to join them on November 20 for a dynamic show. This event is free of charge but spaces are limited. For more information: Sherry Davis, 613-932- 2051 or Souper d’antan Le Centre culturel de Cornwall organise son souper d’antan, le 21 novembre pro- chain, à la salle paroissiale Sainte-Thérèse de Lisieux. C’est au son de la musique des Brisson et des Gailurons et avec Denise Cousineau à l’animation que tous parta- gerons un souper de Noël. L’événement débute à 17 h. Pour plus d’information : Suzanne Villeneuve 613-932-9106 Défilé du Père Noël Le père Noël visitera Cornwall le 21 novembre prochain, lors de son défilé annuel. Celui-ci débute à 17 h et est gratuit pour tous. Le Père Noël empruntera la rue Second afin de se rendre au Centre civique.

30 ans pour Job Zone d’emploi

Tout sourire, l’équipe de Job Zone d’emploi est heureuse de célébrer 30 ans d’action dans la communauté.

Job Zone d’emploi célèbre 30 années de service à Cornwall ainsi que les comtés de Stormont et Dundas et tiendra pour l’occasion une journée portes ouvertes, le vendredi 27 novembre prochain, à compter de 8 h 30. Jusqu’à 16 h, des rafraîchissements seront servis et des prix seront décernés aux visiteurs. Job Zone d’emploi est un organisme sans but lucratif qui prépare, guide et aide, dans les deux langues officielles, les gens à trouver de l’emploi par le biais de conseils enmatière d’emploi et de carrière, de ressources infor- matives, de possibilités d’emploi et d’accès à des services communautaires et d’approche. En novembre 1985, l’organisme Job Zone d’emploi était connu sous le nomde Centre de counseling d’emploi pour les jeunes. À l’épo- que, le personnel de l’organisme ne comptait que trois membres, mais a continué de grandir avec les années. La demande de service se faisant grandissante, l’organisme a dû procé- der à l’expansion de ses installations. Ainsi, le Centre a commencé à offrir une variété de services, lesquels étaient développés en fonction des besoins individuels des groupes segmentés au sein de sa jeune clientèle. En 1992, en raison de l’état de l’écono- mie et de l’emploi à Cornwall, le Centre de counseling d’emploi pour les jeunes a été incorporé sous le nomde Centre de ressources d’emploi et d’éducation de Cornwall et dis- trict, inc. (CREÉ). Il offrait alors des services aux adultes, en plus des services déjà offerts aux jeunes.

C’est en décembre 2002 que le CREÉ a dé- cidé qu’un nouveau look et un nouveau nom lui étaient nécessaires : Job Zone d’emploi. Aujourd’hui, Job Zone d’emploi emploie 44

professionnels sous la direction de Wendy Woods-Fontaine. L’organisme est chapeauté par un conseil d’administration formé de membres de la communauté.

Sensibiliser pour vaincre l’intimidation

La semaine du 15 au 21 novembre est la semaine de la sensibilisation à l’intimida- tion et de la prévention dans la province de l’Ontario. L’intimidation affecte tant les enfants, les adolescents que les adultes, alors que près de 40 % des travailleurs en sont victimes, selon les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC). Les personnes âgées sont également exposées à de l’abus verbal et psychologique, de l’abus qui proviennent souvent d’un membre de leur famille. L’intimidation entraîne des conséquen- ces, tant chez les victimes que chez les inti- midateurs. Selon la Coalition pour prévenir et contrer l’intimidation de Prescott-Russell, un enfant victime d’intimidation est plus à risque de souffrir régulièrement demaux de tête, d’indigestion, de dépression et d’an- xiété, en plus de troubles de santémentale à long terme. Les enfants qui intimident sont, pour leur part, plus à risque de prendre des

drogues et de l’alcool. Selon le site PREVNet. ca, ils ont aussi un taux de suicide plus élevé qu’un enfant qui est victime d’intimidation. Les effets de l’intimidation se font aussi sentir sur le Web. Selon la Croix-Rouge ca- nadienne, un enfant sur huit subit de la cy- berintimidation aumoins une fois par mois, que ce soit par messagerie texte, courriel ou via les réseaux sociaux. Les IRSC rapportent aussi que 7 %des internautes canadiens âgés de 18 ans et plus ont déclaré avoir déjà été victimes de cyberintimidation. Pour éliminer ce problème social, la Coalition pour prévenir et contrer l’intimida- tion de Prescott-Russell souligne qu’il ne faut pas avoir peur de dénoncer l’intimidation, malgré la difficulté que cela peut représenter. Des ressources sont disponibles pour les parents, les enfants et les profession- nels sur le site Web de la Coalition à www. et du soutien additionnel est offert au 1-800-675-6168.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 18 novembre 2015



Local actors nominated

for only $ 50 per year

If you wish to subscribe to Le/The Journal and receive it by mail, simply complete the coupon below and send it with your payment of $50 per year (HST included) to : Le/The Journal, 625 Montreal Road, Cornwall, ON K6H 1C3. Subscription will start upon reception of payment. Si vous désirez vous abonner à Le/The Journal et le recevoir par la poste, complétez le coupon ci-dessous et faites-le parvenir, accompagné de votre paiement de 50 $ par année (TVH incluse), à : Le/The Journal, 625, chemin Montréal, Cornwall, ON K6H 1C3. L’abonnement débutera sur réception du paiement. Abonnez-vous pour seulement 50 $ par année

Several members of Vagabond Theater were recently nominated for prestigious awards. Stephanie Carriere, of Vagabond Theater, was awarded the Mae Carmichael Award for Acting as best supporting actress award at the Eastern Ontario Drama League (EODL) held in Haliburton on the weekend of November 6. Carriere played the part of Marie Barrett in the play “Relative Strangers” by Sheri Wilner. Jenny Dagenais was nominated for the Academy Theatre Foundation Award for Best Director. “Relative Strangers” was her directorial debut. Patricia Lloyd was nominated for the Pauline Grant Award for Acting – lead actress for her role as Marie Harvey in “Relative Strangers”. Dan Youmelle was nominated for the Ottawa Little Theatre Award for Best Production. Dan is an experienced producer with Vagabond Theatre. Pictured are Jenny Dagenais, Patricia Lloyd, Stephanie Carriere (award winner) and Dan Youmelle.

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Trio of theater greats honored


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The Centre for the Arts Collective organized its first ever gala, on October 30. During the evening, lifelong awards were presented to three very important members of the theater community. Edith Styles, Lionel Tessier and TomThompson served in every capacity, from actor to set designer to director and producer, and contributed several years of drama, cabaret and musicals to grateful audiences. Their achievements laid the foundation of the flourishing theatre scene that animates Cornwall’s local art movement. The honorees all have ties to the Vagabond Theatre and Seaway Valley Theatre Company. In addition to the formal awards presented on behalf of the city, and in Edith Stiles’ case, from the federal government too, they were also all recognized by the province, with SD&G MPP Jim McDonell presenting them with a certificate.


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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Journal Cornwall



Human Resources Supervisor Ivaco Rolling Mills, a well-established company and leader in its industry in Canada, is seeking a qualied Human Resources Supervisor to ll a vacancy in its Human Resources department. Reporting to the Human Resources Manager, the Human Resources Supervisor will be responsible for overseeing the ecient functioning of the Human Resources Department. The candidate must have at least 5 years of management level experience in a Human Resources department. The candidate must be familiar with the interpretation and administration of collective agreements. The ideal candidate will have a university degree in the eld of Human Resources or Labour Relations and experience working in a unionized environment in heavy industry at the supervisory level. Completion of the CHRP designation will be considered a strong asset. Bilingualism (English and French) is a must for this position. • Ability to develop a true HR Business Partner relationships • Ensures the HR function's priorities and eŒorts are customer centric and aligned to the execution of the business strategy • Responsible for maintaining the highest level of integrity, professionalism, fairness, and condentiality in all aspects of job performance • Provides consultative support to management for the consistent and appropriate application of policies, procedures and collective agreements • Responsible for developing, managing, and enhancing a variety of training and development programs and other programs as assigned • Ensures the facility is developing and maintaining a robust and sustainable talent pipeline around our technical positions • Action oriented after careful thought process • Responsible for managing the disciplinary program and the grievance process • Familiarity with medical management practices and absenteeism program management. • Must be familiar with ESA, OHSA and the Human Rights code. • Familiarity with the recruiting process and onboarding. We oŒer a competitive wage and benets package. All interested applicants should forward their resume, in condence to: Ivaco Rolling Mills, PO Box 322, L’Orignal, ON K0B 1K0 (Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.) Industrial Electrician Ivaco Rolling Mills, a major steel manufacturer in the Hawkesbury, Ontario region, is seeking a certied Industrial Electrician with 3 to 5 years experience, to ll a vacancy in the Maintenance Department. Applicants should have a good working knowledge of electronics, be familiar with power distribution, high voltage and be able to work as part of a team as well as on their own. Red Seal interprovincial certication required. Additionally, applicants should have experience on the following equipment: • AC/DC motors, AC/DC drives. • Experience with PLC’s and distributed I/O’s would be an asset. The salary range is from $28.82 per hour to $29.24 per hour and we o’er a competitive benets package including a dened contribution pension plan. All interested applicants should forward their resume, in condence to: Ivaco Rolling Mills, PO Box 322 L’Orignal, ON K0B 1K0 Attention: Human Resources (Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.)

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario tel.: 613 938-1433 • fax.: 613 938-2798


NEED CASH NOW? We buy guns, licensed dealer in Hawkesbury. We want your firearms and militaria. Quick, easy and confidential; or 613-632-4848. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Le/The Journal has over 600 sq.ft. of open space for rent on rst or second oor. Room for storage. Central air conditioning. Parking. For more info or a visit, call Roger at 613-938-1433. LOCAL À LOUER Le/The Journal a un espace de 600 à louer au rez-de-chaussée ou au 2e plancher. Espace additionnel pour entreposage. Air climatisé central. Stationnement. Pour renseignements ou une visite, appeler Roger au 613-938-1433.

Industrial Millwright Ivaco Rolling Mills LP, a major steel manufacturer in the Hawkesbury, Ontario region, is seeking a qualied Industrial Millwright to ll a vacancy in its Maintenance Department.

Applicants must have an Industrial Millwright’s license and will be asked to demonstrate excellent reading comprehension and problems solving skills. Red Seal certication is required.

Experience in a manufacturing environment is an asset.

Starting salary is $27.77 per hour and we o†er a competitive benets package including a dened contribution pension plan.

All interested applicants should forward their resumes, in condence, to:

Ivaco Rolling Mills, PO Box 322, Hwy. 17 L’Orignal, ON K0B 1K0 Attention: Human Resources

(Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.)

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 18 novembre 2015

YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of November 15 to 21, 2015


ARIES It is important to rest and recharge your batteries after undergoing a massive dose of stress. If you try to limit yourself to fairly passive activities, you recover even more effectively. TAURUS You’re able to expand your network of contacts. You enjoy the company of new friends even though it’s in a professional You might consider going to live abroad for a while. At work, you’re put in contact with people of various nationalities, and this is benecial for you. CANCER If your partner is from a different back- ground, it’s possible that you both have to make some adjustments. A better balance of responsibilities at home would be appreciated. LEO You may feel very emotional this week. These feelings really stimulate the artist within. You have a well-developed sense of detail and renement. VIRGO At work, you must negotiate even the smallest details before concluding any sort of agreement. Where feelings are concerned, your soul mate reveals him- or herself in a spectacular manner. LIBRA Your self-esteem grows, allowing you to aspire to a more prestigious role at work. Some effort is required to maintain a more active social life. SCORPIO You win some sort of popularity contest. You’re surrounded by people who are very attentive to everything you say, however silly it may be. SAGITTARIUS There are lots of comings and goings because of your work or your health or the health of a loved one. You should also expect numerous arguments. CAPRICORN Generally speaking, money is always an extremely important factor in your life; this week you assure some guarantees for the future. It may be that you prepare a project for your retirement. AQUARIUS Your young children are quite a handful, but that doesn’t prevent you from spoil- ing them and loving them deeply. You may get a nice raise at work. PISCES Some thinking is required before moving from words to action. If you’re not happy on a professional level, you have a brain wave that enables you to embark on a brilliant career. context. GEMINI


ACROSS 1. Placido

45.Employed 47.Life story, for short 48.Crazed 50.Zest 54.Junior 55.Work by Keats 56.Pasted 57.Snaky letter 58.Berth 59.High-spirited horse DOWN 1. Excessively 2. Santa’s staffer 3. Young louse 4. Bread bakers 5. Gambling town 6. Celestial beings 7. Baked fruit des- sert 8. Kind of tree 9. Fasten 10.Long golf shot 11.Loved a lot 19.Cuddle 21.Drink cubes

22.Cured salmon 23.Crop 25.Brings down 26.Feasted 28.Exist 29.Ruby 31.View 33.Oath 34.Bitter resentment 35.Directed 37.Praised 39.Aesop’s specialty 40.False name 41.Bumpkins 43.Mature 46.Easter edibles 48.Riot crowd 49.Thirst quencher 51.Take to court 52.Golf accessory 53.Uncanny

Domingo, e.g.


6. Copy 9. Do arithmetic 12.Oyl of “Popeye” 13.Nothing 14.To’s opposite 15.On a regular basis 16.Emerald, e.g. 17.Adapted 18.Zero 20.“____ Got Sixpence” 21.Sicknesses 24.Building wing 26.Cut down 27.Dove’s noise 32.Boll ____ 36.Screamed 38.Mine’s output 39.Confront 42.Corn portion 43.Overwhelmed 44.The total amount 28.Classify 30.Master



HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Journal Cornwall


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Lisez Le/The Journal chaque semaine, répondez à la question et vous pourriez gagner une tablette.

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Bring or send your coupon (newspaper copy only) before Monday 12 noon (Draw at 12:15) to: TABLET CONTEST, c/o LE/THE JOURNAL, 625 MONTREAL ROAD, CORNWALL, ON K6H 1C3. You can also send your answer by email to . Don't forget to put your name and telephone number. Different draw every week. Winner must agree to have his picture published. Apportez ou faites parvenir votre coupon de participation (copie du journal seulement) avant lundi midi (tirage à 12 h 15) à : CONCOURS TABLETTE, a/s LE/THE JOURNAL, 625, CHEMIN MONTRÉAL, CORNWALL, ON K6H 1C3 . Vous pouvez également envoyer vos réponses par courriel à en ayant soin d'indiquer votre nom et votre numéro de téléphone. Tirage différent chaque semaine. La personne gagnante doit accepter de faire publier sa photo.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 18 novembre 2015

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