

Vars Carnival attracts hundreds


VARS l The Vars Carnival held from Febru- ary 7 to 9 in the village of Vars saw hun- dreds of visitors and participants in its events. The weekend began with an official kick- off and spaghetti supper attended by over 200 diners at École St-Guillaume on Friday night. Local dignitaries included MP Pierre Lemieux, MPP Grant Crack, Ottawa Mayor JimWatson and Councilor Stephen Blais. Saturday outdoor activities centered around Alcide Trudeau Park, where horse- drawn wagon rides, hot chocolate, chil- dren’s games and rides, and the CowGuy entertained. Well over 200 people attended that day as well. Jeremy Brady of Vars planned afternoon ice activities and games on the rink in which over 40 people played. Vars Idol ran on Saturday night, featuring a wide variety of talent. Videos of some per- formances are up on YouTube and can be linked to through the Vars Optimist Club’s Facebook page. Sunday events included a community breakfast that was also well attended. The Vars Optimist Club organized the events. Dignitaries included Ottawa Mayor JimWatson...

Photos Candice Vetter

Horsedrawn wagon rides were a popular attraction at the Vars Winter Carnival held in Vars from February 7 to 9. Here Gabriel Lacavalier pulls up to the parking area of the Alcide Trudeau Park with his second last load of passengers of the day. About 200 people attended outdoor events on Saturday, February 8. Friday night and Sunday events also saw approximately 200 visitors. Right, Jeremy Brady of Vars organized the games on theVars outdoor rink as part of the

Vars Carnival festivities held from February 7 to 9. Shown here playing shinny hockey on the crisp Saturday afternoon are Keith Renaud, Miguel Brisson, Cloe Mallette and Marc-Andre Juneau. Brady reported about 40 people participated in the games.

Une communauté résidentielle en plein coeur du village d’Embrun


613 443-3575 adresse courriel: 848 Notre-Dame, Embrun Heures d’ouverture Lundi (sur rendez-vous seulement) Mardi 12h-17h

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Vendredi 13h à 20h Samedi 10h à 15h Dimanche (sur rendez-vous seulement)

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