
Medi Drop / Medi Depot i é é ô

Pharmacy / Pharmacie

A safe place for you to dispose of unused, unwanted or expired medication. Une façon sécuritaire de se débarrasser des médicaments périmés, inutilisés ou dont on ne veut plus.

5 9 th Street East / 5, 9 e rue Est Cornwall Ontario K6H 6R3 Tel.: 613 938-7339 Fax: 613 938-1701 Manon Martineau Manager

Open 7 days a week 365 days per year

MEDI DROP LOCATIONS / EMPLACEMENTS DES BOÎTES MÉDI DÉPÔT x Cornwall Community Police Service / Services communautaires de la police de Cornwall 340, rue Pitt Street, Cornwall (Ontario) x Cornwall Community Hospital McConnell Avenue Site / Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall, emplacement de l’avenue McConnell 840, avenue McConnell Avenue, Cornwall (Ontario) x Cornwall Community Hospital Second Street Site / Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall, emplacement de la rue Second 510, rue Second Street East/Est, Cornwall (Ontario) 24 hours, 7 days a week (in the lobby) / 24 heures par jour, 7 jours par semaine (dans le hall d’entrée) x Cornwall Community Police Service East End Station / Services communautaires de la police de Cornwall, poste de l’est 330, chemin Montreal Road, Cornwall (Ontario) Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. / Lundi au vendredi : de 8 h à 16 h Read more at Lisez la suite au Please continue to return your unused medication and sharps (like insuli needles) to the pharmacy. It’ safer, cleaner and greener! Please continue to return your unused medication and sharps (like insulin needles) to the pharmacy. It’s safer, cleaner and greener!

Get your medicine cabinet in order

Healthcare experts agree that a family’s collection of over-the- counter and prescription medicine needs to be reviewed and sorted at least once a year. Doing so helps to ensure the safety of those using the medications found there. Here are a few questions to test your knowledge on this subject. 1.Where is the best place to store

Centre d’achats Cornwall Square Cornwall Square Shopping Centre 1, rueWater St. E. Cornwall ON • 613 938-6060 LIVRAISON / DELIVERY Home Medication reviews Révision de médicaments pris à domicile Clean out your medicine cabinet & book your annual medication review with one of our pharmacists; Robyn, Joanne, Maged, Jim, Dilip or Sherin .

your medications? a. Next to a window b. In the bathroom

c. In a cupboard d. In the fridge 2. When should you not use a medication you have on hand? a. It’s past its expiry date b. It’s no longer in its original packaging c. Its label is illegible d. It’s stored in a container with other medications e. Its shape, texture, smell, or colour has changed f. All of the above 3. How should you dispose of a medication? a. Put it in the garbage

b. Flush it down the toilet c. Wash it down the sink d. Put it in the recycling e. None of the above THE ANSWERS

Suzie Pilon, Harry Haramis, Josée Lemay

Naturally, we care. Professionally, we THANK YOU.

1. c) In a cupboard. Places that are too humid, too warm, or too cold should be avoided, as they can accelerate the expiry dates of some medications. However, always check labels for storage instructions; some medications need to be stored in the fridge. 2. f) All of these answers. What’s more, some medications should be disposed of as soon as possible after their first use, such as some kinds of single-use eye drops. Look for this kind of information on the product’s label or ask a pharma- cist to be extra sure. 3. e) None of these answers. Expired or unused medications should always be returned to a pharmacist, who will ensure that they are discarded safely. They should never be thrown out at home, as the chemical products contained in some medications could lead to soil or water contamination.


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