King's Business - 1941-07

July,, mi

T HE K I N G ’ S B US I N Vi-flS


Stony Brook School Stony B rook School, less than tw o hours from New Fork-=City, fou r from P hila­ delphia, and eight from Boston, is-Situated on the north shore o f Long Island, New Y ork. It is a fu lly accredited college preparatory school, and its courses cover six years: from the seventh grade through the standard fou r-year high school, course. The enrollm ent is lim ited to boys, .tu i­ tion, board, and room are $900.00 a year. Frank E. Gaebelein is Headmaster. Christian principles are given first' place in the school, and Bible is a su bject re­ quired o f the student each year. . During the past seventeen years, g ra d ­ uates have- m atriculated in -more, than sixty d ifferen t institutions , of higher learning at home and abroad, later to enter business and the .professions—^the m inistry, medicine, engineering-, teaching, the army and navy. * Persons livin g on the P acific C oast who would, like to meet a personal representa­ tive o f the school are asked to address M ajor John Lynch Davis, A ssistant H ead­ master, P acific Beach', Calif. Mai ° r Davis, who has had many years’ experience- in m ilitary- training, declares: “ I * am en­ thusiastic over the possibil-i'ty o f having my own tw o boys in the Stony B rook School. No ‘sissies’ there, but rather big, strapping athletes w ho really lov** the Lord Jesus Christ/’ Address either Major Davis ■at the above address, or Stony B rook School, Stonv Brook, Long Island, N. Y. (See inside fron t cover), Westmont College W hile offerin g the usual courses o f a liberal arts college, leading to B. A. and B. Musi, degrees, W estm ont .College m ain­ tains ari> exceptionally high spiritual and m oral standard. Its courses include, am ong others, pre-engineering, pre-m edical and pre-th eologjcal subjects, and muslo' and art. The Bible is given a prom inent place in the curriculum . W allace L eR oy Em er­ son is President o f the school and W illiam W . Catherwood serves as President of the Board. W ith a present enrollm ent of ninety-six, this coeducational, interde­ nom inational -school announces its, pur-, pose to. give apademic education under Christian auspices and direction, and to train for Christian leadership. A minimum amount for a year’s training (approxi­ mately $600.00) is required to cover living expenses .and tuition. Address: W estm ont College, 231 South W estm oreland Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. (Inside' back cover.) Wheaton College Academy W heaton College A cadem y is closely a f­ filiated w ith W heaton College whose cen ­ tral purpose is “ F or Christ and H is K in g ­ dom.” As a Christian preparatory school offerin g fou r years of training, the A cad­ emy is- accredited by the University of Illinois and by the North Central A ssocia­ tion o f Colleges and Secondary Schools. This fa ct assures to graduates, having satisfactory records, entrance to all col-

tow ard a practical m inistry. A lva J. Mc­ Clain is President of the Seminary. A d­ dress: Grace T heological Seminary, W in ­ ona Lake, Ind. • Bob Jones College Bob Jones College, a liberal arts insti­ tution, offers a wide variety o f ‘ subjects fo r those interested in high school, co l­ lege; teachers’, and secretarial- courses. Credit for w ork done is accepted by lead­ in g -u n iv e rsitie s and graduate schools throughout the country. Pour years of study leading to a 'Bachelor's degree are available; .Unusual opportunities are o f­ fered in- music and spë.èch—v6ic e . and in­ strumental instruction being given w ith­ out additional cost. W hile the College has no intercollegiate athletics, a w ell-planned program o f intramural sp orts is follow ed. The successful history o f the school, of which Bob Jones ‘isV*the President, and Bob Jones, Jr., thé A ctin g President, dates back tb its opening fourteen years ago. T h e’seh o^ stands fo r the Absolute author­ ity of the Bible,, and. every student is re­ quired to take Bible each year. An amount of $432.50 covers expenses fo r room, board, and tu ition 'fees for nine months. Address: Bob Jones College, Cleveland, Tenn. Minnehaha Academy. Minnehaha Academy, as a fou r-year co ­ educational high school with a positive Christian emphasis, appeals especially tp- the boys and girls o f Christian homes. Under the supervision of a facu lty pos­ sessing Christian faith and experience, the school's •atmosphere of' r e v e re n ce ,ch e e r­ fulness, and industry is maintained. A to ­ tal o f 248 pupils comprise the present stu ­ dent body. Tw o hours'W eekly are given to Bible study bv a ll-h ig h school students, with chapel services daily.. The courses of study, are fully accredited by the Uni­ versity of- Minnesota, and graduates o f Minnehaha A cadem y have been accepted in theJeadin g universities and colleges of the country. The beautiful campus o f the A cadem y lies along the banks of the M ississippi R iver, -with the advantage of being in ; the on ejfare

24 YEARS ON SIXTH STREET S P I E R ' S JEWELERS - OPTOMETRISTS 634 West Sixth Street VAndike 7276 ' at Hope Street LOS ANGELES*

A Christian preparatory school offeringaccredited four-year training for College entrance.' Strong courses, Orthodox Christian teachers. Wholesome social, athletic, and extra-curricular activities. Academy stu­ dents enjoy the College atmosphere. Address the Dean, Box KB741

Enroll ------------ - Your Boy or Girl in a fully accredited four- year high school with a positive Christian emphasis MINNEHAHA ACADEMY 3107 47th Avenue South Minneapolis, Minn. Apply ISow— Register Sept, 8 Write for particulars.

B E P R E P A R E D for effective Christian service • Day • Evening • Correspondence Courses Write for new catalog BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif. GRACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Winona Lake, Indiana A standard theological school where the whole Word of God is honored and taught, and the high academic demands of Christian Scholarship are directed toward a practical Christian Ministry, with the following purpose and ideals:

• A Bible-centered Curriculum • A Competent and Believlqg Scholarship • A missionary and Evangelistic Devotion • A Spirit-filled and Separated Life • A Premillennial Hope and Viewpoint • A Spiritual and prayer-charged Environment • An Expository Preaching and Teaching Ministry

“To know Christ and make tHim known as the only Savior ahd Lord of Life.’’

Courses lead to recognized degrees, and are open to all. worthy and properly qualified students. No -tuition charges. Living expenses moderate. Unique spiritual, educational and recreational advantages. Fall semester opens September 1st. Write for catalogue and information. Alva J. McClain.. . . ............... .President

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