

Centraide Prescott-Russell

Open letter to dog owners in Clarence-Rockland


Les formulaires de demande de soutien aux organismes de bienfaisance (projets 2013) sont disponibles sur notre site Internet.

It has been functioning in this dual capac- ity successfully for many years now and is considered an asset to the community, es- pecially to the many home owners who sur- round the crater - an ingenious and produc- tive use of space that benefits children and pets alike. Call it what you want - leadership, govern- ing with a“vision”, the result is the same; it is a win-win for both citizens and pets. Clarence Rockland is one of the few ma- jor populated areas of 22,000 or more resi- dents with no such off-leash area for dogs and you, dear citizen, have an opportunity to change this with a minimum of effort. If you believe in this cause you can help by joining with the hundreds who have al- ready signed an online electronic petition at and by attending the special public consultation meeting at City Hall on April 24th at 7:15 p.m. We an- ticipate a full house and through your pres- ence you will be sending a strong message to our elected officials that this is a much needed service. The little time you invest in attending this meeting will be a small price to pay for the health and emotional well- being of all dogs present and future in our community. Put your best paw forward … for those who can’t.

Any worthwhile goal to improve the qual- ity of life for citizens of Clarence Rockland (or their dogs), even the smallest of initia- tives, always seems to require a hercu- lean effort. It is no easy task stickhandling through the many obstacles to arrive at what should be simple decisions in the best interest of a community. A case in point is the upcoming Pub- lic Consultation meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on April 24th at City Hall concerning a proposed off-leash area for dogs to be located in the basin at the west end of Dr. Corbeil street. The area in question is essentially a “dead space” intended as a drainage area in the event of heavy rains, snow or flooding. It serves no other useful purpose now or for the future. Yet there is opposition by a few local builders who claim that placing an off leash dog area in that location would be detrimental to their ability to sell homes. It is a specious argument at best when one considers that an identical site, Apollo Crater on Apollo Way in Orleans, serves ex- actly the same function; it too is a run off area. In the latter case the city fathers of the day recognized that by turning this other- wise dead space into an off leash park for dogs year round, in addition to a toboggan area during the winter months, they would be providing a much needed, relatively maintenance free facility for their citizens.

Rencontre d’information

Le mercredi 24 avril 2013, de 10h à midi, Restaurant Le Chardo, 374, rue St-Philippe, à Alfred.

Pour de plus amples détails: 613 679-4699 ou 1 877-881-3667.

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