Community Organization Updates The organizations on pages 18 and 19 are community based groups or groups who serve the San Geronimo Valley and Nicasio communities. Many of these organizations attend Healthy Community Collaborative meetings which generally take place quarterly. San Geronimo Valley and Nicasio organizations are invited to submit a short update on their work, as well as a photo. Each organization is responsible for the content and accuracy of their submission. The Community Center does not exercise editorial control of these submissions. If your organization is interested in submitting an update please email
San Geronimo Community Presbyterian Church All are welcome to visit our Memorial Garden! Families with connections to the church may honor a deceased loved one by requesting a bronze name plaque on our Memorial Wall. Contact for information. During May, June and July our 11 am Sunday worship services will welcome vis- iting pastors and spiritual leaders, while Pastor Kate Clayton is on sabbatical. Come and enjoy our wonderful choir and music! (Kate will be walking the Camino de Santiago during May, and then visiting other pilgrimage sites, including a work week on the island of Iona in Scotland.) Planning a meeting or family gathering? To use our event spaces, please contact Joan Diamond at 510-480-6822 or
Get Outside and Volunteer with SPAWN!
Experience working with plants near the redwood forest while helping your local community by volunteering with the Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN)! Volunteer efforts directly assist in the recovery of endangered Coho salmon, Western monarch butterflies, and more. SPAWN holds volunteer events every Friday at the SPAWN Nursery, 9255 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., from 10am – 2pm. Activities include propagating, transplanting, and nursery care. RSVP to Audrey Fusco, for nursery events. Fridays don’t work for you? SPAWN hosts habitat restoration volunteer events two or more Saturdays per month from 10am - 2 pm. Activities include remov- ing invasive plants and planting native plants. Habitat restoration events will be held at Roy’s Riffles in the San Geronimo Commons and at the SPAWN Nursery. Roy’s Riffles is located at 470 San Geronimo Valley Drive, San Geronimo. The scheduled dates are as follows: June 1, 15, 29; July 6, 20; August 3, 17, 31. RSVP to Nyna Hong,, for habitat restoration events.
All are welcome to join our great choir!
San Geronimo Valley Emergency Fund The San Geronimo Valley Emergency Fund has been serving our community since 2004. We are dedicated to providing financial help to qualifying applicants who are experiencing hardship due to unforeseen circumstances. Our board meets once a month and decides awards on a case by case basis. We are here to serve the residents of the four villages of the San Geronimo Valley. Over the years we have averaged over $12,000 a year in grants to the residents of our community. The board is extremely grateful to our donors without whose help we would be unable to help those in need. It was very nice to see you at the Terri Garthwaite benefit. Please keep an eye out for Jazz on the Lawn coming in early September. Hope to see you there! Rotary Club of West Marin Around the world, there are at least 1,200,000 members in 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Rotary is extraordinary in its service to the world. Each club is autonomous, non-governmental, non-political and non-religious. The Rotary Foundation’s Ambassadorial Scholarships program is the world’s largest privately funded international scholarship program. Exchanges promote cultural understanding by fostering the free flow of ideas and opportuni- ties across borders. Rotary clubs around the world address critical issues including poverty, hunger, need for water, illiteracy, burns of children, health clinics and peace are just some of the global pursuits. Rotary makes a difference. We cover the range from the San Geronimo Valley, Nicasio, Olema, Point Reyes, Inverness, Tomales, Dillon Beach, Stinson Beach and Bolinas. I hope I have not left out any area. Basically, we live all over West Marin. As the founder of the Rotary Club of West Marin, living in the San Geronimo Valley for over four decades, I would love it if we met here weekly for meetings. But we meet at Toby’s Feed Barn in Point Reyes to be in a central spot for members travelling from as far as Stinson/Bolinas and Tomales. We have our chili booth at Western Weekend in downtown Point Reyes Station coming up on Sunday June 2nd to raise funds for local projects.
San Geronimo Childcare Center Zooming down our new slide structure is Zeke Yank, grandson of Ted Van Midde, himself a graduate of our preschool, well, a few years back. Ted’s concrete business put in the foundations to support the new structure as part of a large grant from CDSS (California Department of Social Services) to improve outdoor facilities for young children. Ted also put in concrete for a new bike shed and expanded trike areas. Other improvements include a new roof with skylights on the Preschool Outdoor classroom, Play Platforms, new sandboxes, garden areas, mud kitchens, and sturdy shade cloths for both the Preschool and Toddler yards. New and additional sinks for handwashing and a diapering area in the Preschool bathroom are helping the school adjust to accommodating younger children, as we say goodbye to our older children, going to Transitional Kindergarten (TK).
Photo credit: Joe Sharp
Page 18 SGV Community Center Stone Soup
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