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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Winter is coming, and the outlook is gloomy so far about seeing an end this year to road reconstruction work in the village centre of Vankleek Hill. “They (contractors) have been told very directly that we’re not pleased with the way things are going,” said Mayor Gary Barton, at the start of his last official appearance as head of Champlain Township council, /PWFNCFS
“It’s been seven weeks now,” said Barton. “We are really suffering on that part of Highway 34. The businesses are suffering, the people living in the area are suffering.”
Cornwall Gravel is the overall contractor for the project dealing with the portion of )JHIXBZUIBUJOUFSTFDUTXJUI)JHI4USFFU through the village centre. The original work agreement called for maintaining a one-lane through traffic route. That was later modified to allow for a three-week full traffic closure to allow quick completion of underground water and sewer line replacement at the village centre intersection. “It’s been seven weeks now,” said Bar- UPOi8FBSFSFBMMZTVGGFSJOHPOUIBUQBSUPG )JHIXBZ5IFCVTJOFTTFTBSFTVGGFSJOH the people living in the area are suffering.” The mayor noted that construction crews have encountered some unexpected dif- ficulties during the course of the project, including at least one sewer line break. "GUFSBTJUFNFFUJOHUIFGPMMPXJOH8FEOFT - EBZXJUIUIFDPOUSBDUPS 1VCMJD8PSLT4VQFS - intendent posted on the township website a detailed notice for property owners along the )JHI4USFFUQPSUJPOPG)JHIXBZBOEUIF general public about the revised completion date for some parts of the project and what the contractor and township have planned to try and get that part of the village core
Les travaux de construction dans le village de Vankleek Hill prennent trop de temps au goût des membres du conseil municipal de Champlain. Alors qu’à l’origine, la circulation devait y être défendue pour trois semaines, voilà maintenant sept semaines que les automobilistes doivent emprunter une route de contournement. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
area reopened to traffic as soon as possible. Some parts of the project won’t be dealt with until next year so plans for asphalt and TJEFXBMLSFNPWBMCFUXFFO8BMMBOE.FUIPU TUSFFUTBSFEFMBZFEVOUJM4QSJOHXIFO that section of High Street will be finished. Pressure testing and chlorination tests for
underground water lines servicing the west TJEFPG)JHI4USFFUCFUXFFO8BMMBOE3VTTFMM streets are underway this week to restore normal water service to homes and busi- nesses in that neighbourhood. 3FTJEFOUTBSFBEWJTFEUPDIFDLUIFUPXO - ship website to learn when the boil water
notice is lifted, and the township also plans to deliver letters to all property owners when that occurs. 'VSUIFSVQEBUFTPOUIF)JHIXBZ)JHI Street situation will be posted through the township’s Facebook page at IUUQTXXX GBDFCPPLDPNIXZWLI .
Valoris pour enfants et adultes de Prescott-Russell organise sa campagne annuelle des Lutins de Noël. Depuis 27 ans, Valoris célèbre la magie EF /PÌM FO PGGSBOU EFT DBEFBVY Æ EFT enfants dans le besoin de la région de 1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM jø-BDBNQBHOFEFT-VUJOTEF/PÌMB comme objectif de déposer sous le sapin
Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398
BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President bertrand@eap.on.ca YVAN JOLY Directeur des ventes Sales director yvan@eap.on.ca FRANÇOIS LEGAULT Directeur de l’information News Editor francois.legault@eap.on.ca GILLES NORMAND Dir. Production et Distribution Mgr. gilles.normand@eap.on.ca THOMAS STEVENS Dir. Infographie et prépresse Layout & Prepress Mgr.
Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell is currently organizing its Christmas Elf Campaign. For the past 27 years, Valoris has been celebrating the magic of Christmas by offering gifts to children in need in the Prescott- Russell area. The goal of the Christmas Elves Campaign is to place a gift under every child and teen’s Christmas tree. Christmas trees are up in all Valoris service centres, as well as in several businesses across Prescott-Russell. Residents are invited to choose a Christmas Elf with the name of a child / teenager and return a gift under the tree before December 5. —photo archives
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EF/PÌMVODBEFBVQPVSUPVTDFTFOGBOUTFU adolescents », a souligné un communiqué de presse de l’organisation. %FTTBQJOTEF/PÌMTPOUJOTUBMMÊTEBOT chacun des centres de services Valoris, ainsi que dans plusieurs commerces de la région. *MTVGàUEFDIPJTJSVOMVUJOEF/PÌMQPS - UBOUMFOPNEVOFOGBOUBEPMFTDFOUFUEF rapporter le cadeau sous le sapin avant le 5 décembre.
Les intéressés peuvent également DPOUSJCVFS Æ MB DBNQBHOF FO BQQPSUBOU des articles neufs (chèques-cadeaux, jeux, jouets, vêtements, livres, etc.) ou des dons ÆMVOEFTDFOUSFTEFTFSWJDFT7BMPSJT Pour plus de précisions, communiquer BWFD 7BMPSJT BV 1PVS obtenir la liste complète des commerces de la région où retrouver les lutins, visitez le www.valorispr.ca.
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