PPA | Kinder Low, 29 Station Road

PPA | Kinder Low, 29 Station Road

professional planning appraisal PPA


Kinder Low, 29 Station Road, Backwell, BS48 3NH


May 2019


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1.1 A PPA is a detailed appraisal of the development potential of a site by qualified Chartered Planners. It is based on a desk-top review of the site; the relevant planning policy; and planning history. 1.2 A planning appraisal is one of the most important and often under-rated planning services provided to clients. 1.3 A well-researched and prepared appraisal will set out in an easy-to-read format, the relevant opportunities and constraints applicable to a potential development opportunity. 1.4 This planning appraisal covers all the relevant issues, with the core services as follows:

i) Identifying planning policies relevant to a site and/or proposal.


Review of planning history.


Establishment of existing/lawful uses.

iv) Site assessment to identify planning opportunities and constraints;

v) Comprehensive appraisal covering all planning considerations.


Provision of development briefs.


Potential site layouts.

1.5 The PPA report is paid for by the purchaser of the site upon completion (£700 + VAT is added to the contract) – they then have a £700 credit to spend on planning with the planning team if they pursue development.

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2.1 This site comprises land which currently forms part of the residential curtilage to no. 29 Station Road. 2.2 The site is located within the defined settlement boundary of Backwell, in North Somerset Council’s administrative area. 3. OPPORTUNITIES 3.1 The site has several options for development, which include demolition of the existing bungalow and replacement with a larger two-storey dwelling or a modest pair of semi-detached houses. Another option, subject to suitable access and adequate privacy levels for existing and proposed residents being achieved, could be redevelopment to provide a detached two-storey property at the front of the site with a small (single-storey) bungalow or annex within the rear garden. 3.2 The site is located within the defined housing development boundary and consequently the principle of a new dwelling or dwellings in this location accords with the adopted spatial strategy (Core Strategy 2017 Policies CS14 ‘Distribution of new housing’ and CS32 ‘Service Villages’; and Policy DM37 of the Development Management Policies, July 2017). 3.3 The creation of a new dwelling(s) in this location, being within a Service Village, with good accessibility to public transport, shops, services, education and employment, would accord with the sustainable development principles of national and local policy with respect to directing new development to accessible locations, where there are alternative modes of travel to the private car, and the need to travel is minimised. 3.4 The site is not in a Conservation Area and there are no Listed Buildings in proximity. There are no protected trees on or adjacent to the site. The site is within Flood Zone 1 and therefore at low probability of flooding from the sea and rivers.

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4.1 In order to achieve a pair of semi-detached properties on the site, the existing property would need to be demolished as well as the existing garages. 4.2 The provision of a dwelling to the rear of the site would also only be likely to be possible if a new dwelling were constructed at the front of the site (but in line with the established building line) to allow for sufficient garden space and to ensure appropriate privacy distances. It is considered likely that, should a dwelling at the rear be feasible, only a single storey dwelling would be likely to be supported due to amenity considerations. 4.3 Access to a dwelling in the rear garden would potentially need to be a shared access and there would need to be sufficient space for cars to turn within the site and exit on to the highway in a forward gear. A bin storage/collection point may be required mid-way along the access route should the rear dwelling be more than 30m from the waste collection point (on Station Road). 4.4 The Council applies the National Space Standards for new dwellings, and these would need to be adhered to (see the Technical Requirements as well as the GIA/storage requirements in Table 1). 4.5 The site has existing trees and fairly extensive shrub planting, which does not appear to have been maintained. Thus, there could be potential for wildlife within the site, and depending on the condition of the bungalow, there could be potential for bat roosts. The site is within Consultation Zone B for the North Somerset and Mendip Bats Special Area of Conservation (SAC), and as such, any future planning application for redevelopment would need to be accompanied by an Extended Phase 1 Survey and a bat survey(s), which would need to be undertaken by a qualified ecologist. Depending on the results of the Phase 1 survey, other protected species surveys may be required. Preliminary assessments can take place at any time, however, protected species and bat activity/emergence surveys can only take place between April and October with May – August being the optimal survey period. Consultation with an ecologist at an early stage would be advised to

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ascertain the works required and any potential mitigation measures that may be necessary. Planning permission cannot be granted in advance of the survey results. 4.6 The site itself is not at risk of surface water flooding although there is evidence that the road adjacent to the site may have issues so this will need to be explored. Early input from a drainage consultant is recommended. 5. DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL 5.1 The site has the potential to accommodate several different development options, which are summarised as follows in order of potential planning difficulty: 4. Demolish the bungalow and construct a new dwelling at the front of the site and a single storey dwelling or annex to the rear. 5.2 The Council operates a Community Infrastructure Levy, therefore any new residential floorspace will be subject to a charge (see CIL Charging Schedule and the CIL and Development Contributions SPD, January 2016), payable upon commencement of the development. 5.3 The building line on Station Road and also The Crescent would need to be respected (i.e. do not project the building beyond it). Overlooking distances will need to be considered with window to window distances (from first floor level) of around 21 metres. The Council also requires a 7 metre separation distance between windows and the gardens of adjacent neighbours (see the adopted Residential Design Guide SPD parts 1 and 2 for detailed guidance that will need to be considered in the design of any scheme). 5.4 For a pair of semi-detached houses sufficient space will need to be retained either side of the building to ensure that it does not appear too cramped on the plot. The side adjacent to the neighbouring bungalow may be particularly sensitive. Development Principles and Requirements 1. Extend the existing bungalow and add an additional storey 2. Demolish the existing bungalow and build a larger two storey house 3. Demolish the bungalow and erect a pair of semi-detached houses

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5.5 The scale and height of any new build would need to respect the surrounding area. The site can accommodate two-storey height at the front (i.e. replacing the bungalow), however a fully hipped roof form may be necessary for the semi- detached option to off-set the increase in built form and minimise visual impact within the street-scene. Any development at the rear is likely to be restricted to single-storey. 5.6 The design of the existing properties in the area is varied and therefore there is considerable scope for contemporary architecture. The materials used locally are also varied, although generally properties appear to have a rendered finish with terracotta roof tiles. 5.7 Parking will need to comply with the adopted parking standards (1 space per 1 bed; 1.5 spaces per 1 bed (2 or more units); 2 spaces per 2 or 3 bed; and 3 spaces per 4+ bed). Garages can count towards the parking provision but only where they comply with the size requirements in the adopted Parking Standards SPD. 5.8 Cars would need to be able to turn on the site to leave in forward gear. The Council would be unlikely to support a scheme where cars need to reverse onto Station Road due to highway safety considerations and the proximity to Backwell School. 5.9 The provision of parking and turning areas at the front of properties is not uncommon on this part of Station Road but it is recommended that soft planting is retained at the site boundaries as well as within the front garden/parking area, to soften the visual impact. The locations for and types of soft planting should be indicated on a proposed site plan, however, a condition is likely to be imposed to secure submission and approval of a detailed scheme, post-decision. 5.10 Secure and fully enclosed cycle storage in a convenient/accessible location will be required. Garages that comply with the size requirements can be used for cycle parking. 5.11 The scheme will need to comply with the Nationally Described Space Standard (Technical Housing Standards); and provide refuse/recycling storage.

5.12 Windows to habitable rooms in the side elevations should be avoided.

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Application Report/Survey Requirements

5.13 This is likely to include:

 A drainage scheme (Sustainable Urban Drainage);

 An Energy Strategy demonstrating that the scheme would deliver 10% of the predicted energy use through renewable energy sources;  A tree survey, arboricultural implications assessment, method statement, and tree protection plan;  Ecological Surveys (a Phase 1 survey and potentially protected species surveys – these would need to be undertaken between May and September);

Coal Mining Risk Assessment.



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