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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 SERVICE GPS Le conseil de La Nation a approuvé une recommandation visant à changer de fournisseur pour le système GPS de tous les véhicules et équipements lourds de la municipalité. Aalto Fleet Management fournira et installera un nouveau système GPS au coût de 11 546 $ et fournira le service GPS pour toutes les unités au coût de 21,95 $ par mois par unité. – Gregg Chamberlain NORTH CASTOR STUDY The South Nation Conservation Authority has received $60,000 in funding from Ontario Power Generation to pursue several projects over a three-year period. One of those projects is a study of the North Castor River catchment basin for a planning guide to aid in future development applications. – Gregg Chamberlain NETTOYAGE DE PRINTEMPS Les résidents peuvent déposer certains de leurs articles ménagers indésirables sur le bord des routes à l’occasion de la semaine de nettoyage du printemps dans la municipalité de La Nation. Le conseil a approuvé le programme annuel de la semaine de collecte des gros articles du 26 au 30 avril. Tous les articles à ramasser doivent se trouver sur le bord de la route dans la munici- palité avant 7 h le 26 avril pour assurer la collecte. – Gregg Chamberlain



All scheduled mass vaccination clinics have filled up in the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) area until April 9, despite issues last week with the prov- ince’s online booking system. Thirty-seven mass vaccine clinics across Casselman, Hawkesbury, Rockland, Corn- XBMM "MFYBOESJBBOE8JODIFTUFSIBWFCFFO scheduled until April 9, with more expected to be determined in the coming days at the time of publication. The clinics were available to residents aged 75 and older. The provincial government extended the clinics those aged 70 and over on Monday in some health units, but the change was yet to be implemented in UIF&0)6"WBDDJOBUJPOSPMMPVUBUQIBSNB - cies, which started in Toronto, Kingston, and 8JOETPS&TTFY IBEBMTPZFUUPCFBOOPVODFE for the region. Residents trying to book appointments on the provincial government’s website last week experienced problems last week, with not all of the available clinics appearing on the site. The issue was similar to a problem residents had experienced the previous XFFL&0)6.FEJDBM0GàDFSPG)FBMUI%S Paul Roumeliotis said the issue had been SFTPMWFECZ8FEOFTEBZOJHIU i8FIBETVCNJUUFEDMJOJDTBOEOPUBMM PGUIFNBQQFBSFE uIFTBJEi8FEPIBWF room and we do have vaccine for you.”

Les cliniques de vaccination de la région ont fait le plein, malgré les problèmes du système de réservation en ligne de la province. — photo fournie par les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell

%S3PVNFMJPUJTTBJEUIF6OJUFE$PVOUJFT of Prescott and Russell had helped organize transport to the vaccine clinics for those un- able to reach the sites on their own. “Pop-up”

clinics would also be planned in the future at other locations throughout the region, JODMVEJOH"MGSFE1MBOUBHFOFUBOE&NCSVO

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