VCSST_Sports Injuries and Recovery


There isnothingmoreexciting than takingonanewchallenge,sportoractivity. For most of us, the thrill of accomplishing a physical goal is what we live for. However, areyou prepared for it?The term “weekendwarrior”meansaperson who doesn’t really train for what they are doing; they just go out and do it on theweekend.Thegoodnews is thatevensomemoderate tovigorousphysical activity is associated with positive health benefits. However, a sudden burst of physically demanding activity in an individual who is not used to that type of strenuous exercise can increase the risk of injury. How do most injuries occur? Most sports injuries occur from ill-prepared individuals who just jump into the activity without first increasing their strength, endurance and flexibility. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues need to be warmed up to workproperly.They takeenormousstrainduringrunningandsportsactivities. Therefore, if they are not in top condition, they are more prone to injury. Injuries increase as you age… If you think back to when you were in your late teens, you could go into a full sprint no problem, take a flying leap and do a whole lot without the slightest

thought about it. As you get older, your tissues become less elastic and in fact a little “drier”. When your muscle, tendon and ligament tissues lack elasticity, you are more prone to sprains and strains. Before and after Knowing therightexercises toprepareforfitnessactivities iskey.Ourphysical therapy experts have years of experience rehabilitating people after injuries and returning them pain-free to the activities they enjoy. What some people mightnotknow is thatphysical therapistscanprevent injuriesbeforetheyeven happen. As experts in human movement analysis, a skilled PT can perform clinical screens to assess whether all components of your musculoskeletal system are working together properly to support, stabilize and move your body. A clinical screen can reveal weakness, tightness or inefficiencies that might cause or lead to future injuries. Your PTcan then help to correct these issues and develop an exercise plan based on your needs to prevent injury. But if you have already experienced an injury or have nagging aches with activities that you enjoy, The Virginia Center for Spine & Sports Therapy can getyouback in thegameof life! Call today to learnmorehowwecanhelpyou.

Exercise Essential

Practice News

Core Strengthening and Back Stability

QUADRUPED WITH RECIPROCAL ARM & LEG LIFT Begin exercise on your hands and knees. Lift one arm straight out in front of you and lift the opposite leg straight back. Return to starting position. Repeat on other side.

VCSST is continually seeking to enhance your experience with us! We believe so strongly in this that we hosted Jerry Durham for a weekend presentation of The Patient Experience.


Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore starting exercisesyouareunsureofdoing.

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