A PPA is a detailed appraisal of the development potential of a site by qualified Chartered Planners. It is based on a desk-top review of the site; the relevant planning policy; and planning history. A planning appraisal is one of the most important and often under-rated planning services provided to clients. A well-researched and prepared appraisal will set out in an easy-to-read format, the relevant opportunities and constraints applicable to a potential development opportunity. This planning appraisal covers all the relevant issues, with the core services
professional planning appraisal PPA
Bakers, Nailsea Wall Lane, Nailsea, BS48 4DD
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1.1 A PPA is a detailed appraisal of the development potential of a site by qualified
Chartered Planners. It is based on a desk-top review of the site; the relevant
planning policy; and planning history. No site visit has been undertaken.
1.2 A planning appraisal is one of the most important and often under-rated planning
services provided to clients.
1.3 A well-researched and prepared appraisal will set out in an easy-to-read format,
the relevant opportunities and constraints applicable to a potential development
1.4 This planning appraisal covers all the relevant issues, with the core services as
i) Identifying planning policies relevant to a site and/or proposal.
Review of planning history.
Establishment of existing/lawful uses.
iv) Site assessment to identify planning opportunities and constraints;
v) Comprehensive appraisal covering all planning considerations.
Provision of development briefs.
Potential site layouts.
1.5 The PPA report is paid for by the purchaser of the site upon completion (£700 + VAT
is added to the contract) – they then have a £700 credit to spend on planning with
the planning team if they pursue development.
2 | P a g e
2.1 This site is currently in commercial use as an Abattoir (a Sui Generis use) and has the
benefit of a recent permission (ref. 19/P/2154/FUL) for a change of use of the existing
abattoir building to accommodate employment uses (Classes B1c, B2 and B8). The
current planning approval followed similar, previous (time expired) permissions
dating back to 1998, and was granted on 24/10/19, expiring on 24/10/22.
The existing Abattoir use and current planning
Figure 1
consent for employment uses relates to the
land within the red line boundary, as
indicated on the Site Location Plan extract
(Figure 1). The land within the blue line does
not benefit from any lawful land use and is
greenfield (undeveloped) in planning terms.
2.3 The is located outside the defined housing development boundary of Nailsea, in
open countryside (see Figure 2, below).
Approx. site location
Figure 2
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3.1 The site is previously developed land (PDL). The National Planning Policy Framework
and adopted Development Plan prioritise the use of previously developed land
over greenfield land. The PDL nature of the site is a significant material
consideration and benefit in planning terms, particularly if it can be demonstrated
that there is no realistic prospect of re-use for employment, or an alternative use
appropriate for the rural location, and the proposal would deliver substantial visual
improvements to the site and landscape.
3.2 The Council is unable to demonstrate a five-year housing land supply and as such,
the Development Plan is not up-to-date. Paragraph 11(d) of the National Planning
Policy Framework (NPPF) dictates that permission is granted unless:
▪ Policies in the National Planning Policy Framework that protect areas or
assets of importance (including but not limited to protected landscapes such
as SSSI’s or AONBS; land at risk of flooding; or irreplaceable habitats) provide
a clear reason for refusing development; or
▪ Any adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the
3.3 Housing delivery is high on the Government’s agenda, and the NPPF requires
Council’s to “boost significantly” housing supply. These are compelling material
considerations that weigh in favour of a housing scheme on the site (although it
should be noted that they would not over-ride any adverse impacts that cannot be
mitigated, and which provide a clear reason for refusing development).
3.4 The existing abattoir is likely to impact negatively on the environmental and
residential amenity of the locality, by virtue of odour, as well as noise/vibration
associated with the use of machinery and vehicular movements by large vehicles.
On the assumption that the existing use is served by heavy vehicles, it may also have
an impact on highway safety in view of the narrow country lanes with limited
passing places and poor visibility. These impacts would fall away with a residential
4 | P a g e
redevelopment, although a transport assessment would nonetheless be needed
covering trip generation and highway safety.
4.1 The site is located in open countryside, outside the defined settlement boundary of
Nailsea, where the adopted spatial strategy seeks to limit new housing
development. The adopted spatial strategy sets out a hierarchical approach to
housing, directing new residential development to the defined settlement
boundaries, and with limited development on land adjoining them.
4.2 The site’s countryside location, which does not adjoin Nailsea’s settlement
boundary, would render a residential redevelopment contrary to the adopted
spatial strategy, and so unacceptable in principle.
4.3 There could be a presumption in favour of approval as a result of the Development
Plan being out-of-date (provided there are no adverse impacts that outweigh the
benefits and no clear reasons for refusing development), however the Council may
conclude that the site’s location is unsustainable as a result of the distance from the
key services and facilities within the town, together with the absence of any safe
walking or cycling routes and poor public transport links.
4.4 The PDL nature of the site is, however, a strong material consideration that weighs
in favour of redevelopment. It is unlikely that the Council would want to see this site
abandoned and derelict in the long term, and although they may be resistant and
the application process could be protracted and difficult, it could be possible to
convince the Council that some limited housing development (restricted to the
existing PDL area) can be supported, provided:
▪ There is no realistic prospect of commercial re-use (see Paragraph 4.4 below)
or alternative land uses in preference to housing;
▪ A residential redevelopment would result in less vehicular movements than
the existing use or permitted employment uses, and it is possible to offer some
improvements to local highway safety as well as travel plan type measures
encouraging non-car use;
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▪ The proposal would deliver substantial visual improvements to the site and
wider landscape (such as reducing floorspace and hard surface area on the
site, increasing soft landscaping, and delivering a modest redevelopment
appropriate for the rural location of the site and character of the area); and
▪ The biodiversity value of the site is improved.
4.5 The Council would be unlikely to support development on the greenfield land (i.e.
the land within the blue line boundary at Figure 1). Any support for redevelopment
on the PDL land (i.e. within the redline boundary) would be likely to be restricted to
the existing area of built form/hard surface, and no greater than the existing GIA on
the site.
4.6 The Core Strategy’s overall approach is employment led due to its imbalance
between economic and housing development. Existing employment sites are
protected unless proposals deliver community benefits and do not compromise the
range of sites and premises available for business use. Any application for non-
employment uses (including housing) would need to demonstrate that the site has
been marketed for its lawful and permitted land uses (normally for a minimum 12
month period), on reasonable terms, and that this exercise has not generated any
interest for continued commercial use. Full details of the marketing exercise and
the interest generated will need to be provided.
4.7 The site is located in an area of known importance for Greater Horseshoe Bats and
within Consultation Zone B of the North Somerset and Mendip Bat Special Area of
Consultation. The site could also have value for other protected species. Protected
species surveys during the May to September survey season are likely to be required,
together with extensive mitigation and enhancement. Any formal application
cannot be determined (positively) in advance of the survey results therefore this
should be factored into the planning process.
4.8 The PDL part of the site (i.e. the area where the building and hard-surface is located)
is enclosed on three boundaries by very dense soft planting (possibly hedgerows
but likely to be trees). These are likely to have significant value for wildlife
6 | P a g e
(particularly bats) and the Council will require these to be retained as part of any
planning application for redevelopment.
4.9 The site itself is not at risk of surface water flooding although if there is local evidence
that there are flooding issues, a Flood Risk Assessment may be required (these are
required automatically for sites in excess of 1ha).
5.1 The development potential of the site is likely to be restricted to the existing
developed/built up part, i.e. the area where the building and associated hard-
standing is located (circa 0.3ha).
5.2 The development of the existing fields within the site (i.e. the land within the blue
line) would be likely to be resisted by the Council.
5.3 The scale of the development would also be likely to be restricted to the existing
building GIA (approximately 1000sqm).
5.4 These limitations are due to the site’s countryside location with poor accessibility by
non-car modes, and the potential for landscape impact. A housing redevelopment
is only likely to be considered acceptable, as a policy departure, due to the site
being PDL.
5.5 The site’s rural location makes it more suitable for larger, family homes and these
should each be of bespoke, high quality design with the architectural style reflective
of the rural character.
5.6 A sketch layout is provided, which suggests 5no. four/five bedroom houses (of the
same type for illustrative purposes). This would equate to a density of 15 dwellings
per hectare (dph). Whilst this would be below the Core Strategy’s minimum net
density of 40dph, it would be reflective of the existing GIA and appropriate for the
site’s rural location.
5.7 The existing dense tree/hedges enclosing the existing built-up part of the site are a
significant constraint. The sketch layout provided does not take into account the
constraints associated with the tree/hedgerow boundaries, which could be bat
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commuting/foraging corridors and so be required to be retained in darkness.
Additional buffers (i.e. supplementary hedges) may be required.
Development Principles and Requirements
5.8 Affordable Housing at 30% would be required for any scheme in excess of 9
dwellings or with a site area in excess of 0.5ha. A proposal for five dwellings (as
indicated on the sketch layout at Section 6) would not be liable for affordable
5.9 The Council operates a Community Infrastructure Levy (see CIL Charging Schedule
and the CIL and Development Contributions SPD, January 2016 1 ), which is based
on proposed floorspace and is payable upon commencement of the development.
Provided the building is in-use (for a continuous period of at least six months within
the three years ending on the day planning permission first permits the chargeable
development), the existing GIA can be deducted from the CIL amount associated
with the development.
5.10 An extended baseline (Phase 1) survey followed by protected species surveys,
during the May to September survey season, will be required, and extensive
mitigation and enhancement is likely to be required (particularly for bats). Existing
hedgerow boundaries will need to be retained and potentially supplemented with
new hedgerows to retain a ‘dark corridor’, and houses should be sited side-on to
prevent light spill. A lighting strategy and impact assessment, demonstrating that
the areas important for bats can be retained in darkness (i.e. with lux levels no higher
than 0.5) will be required.
5.11 The Council applies the National Space Standards 2 for new dwellings, and these
would need to be adhered to (see the Technical Requirements as well as the
GIA/storage requirements in Table 1of the document).
1 https://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/CIL-charging-schedule-1.pdf 2
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/52453 1/160519_Nationally_Described_Space_Standard____Final_Web_version.pdf
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5.12 The Council requires 17% of new dwellings proposed to be built to M4(2) standard
(accessible housing). This will need to be incorporated into the design of the
scheme and a condition would be imposed to ensure the units are delivered.
5.13 The design of the scheme should reflect the principles set out in the Residential
Guidelines SPD – Sections 1 3 and 2 4 .
5.14 Parking will need to comply with the adopted parking standards 5 . Garages can
count towards the parking provision but only where they comply with the size
requirements in the adopted Parking Standards SPD.
5.15 Secure and fully enclosed cycle storage in a convenient/accessible location will be
required. Garages that comply with the size requirements can be used for cycle
Application Report/Survey Requirements
5.16 An outline application is advocated, with access to be considered and layout,
scale, appearance and landscaping reserved for future consideration. Illustrative
information comprising an indicative site layout with a housing schedule and
indicating soft planting/ecological mitigation/enhancement principles; a street-
scene elevation; and sections should be provided.
5.17 An outline application would need to be supported by the following reports:
Planning Statement;
▪ A drainage strategy (Sustainable Urban Drainage);
▪ A tree survey, arboricultural implications assessment, method statement, and
tree protection plan;
3 https://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/residential-design-guide-supplementary- planning-document-part-1.pdf 4 https://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/residential-design-guide-supplementary- planning-document-part-2.pdf 5 https://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/parking-standards-supplementary- planning-document.pdf
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▪ Ecological Surveys (a Phase 1 survey and potentially protected species
surveys – these would need to be undertaken between May and
Indicative Lighting Strategy;
▪ A desk-based archaeological assessment (although the existing building and
hard-standing is likely to have impacted on any surviving archaeological
A Transport Statement;
▪ Potentially a Coal Mining Risk Assessment;
▪ A Flood Risk Assessment should there be evidence of local flooding/drainage
10 | P a g e
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