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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 CSCE : NOUVEAU PARTENARIAT Le Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE), à Limoges, vient d’annoncer un nouveau partena- riat avec une obstétricienne-gyné- cologue qui pratiquera également à Casselman, Saint-Isidore et Plantagenet. Dr Milena Garofalo, qui travaille à l’Hôpital Général de Hawkesbury, offrira ses services à même le CSCE de Limoges, à partir du 15 juillet. Elle y sera une journée par mois. Les patientes qui souhaitent donc accoucher à Hawkesbury pourront être suivies au CSCE de Limoges jusqu’à 28 à 30 semaines de gestation. Elles seront ensuite référées à l’HGH. —Annie Lafortune UCDSB BALANCES BUDGET The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) avoided a deficit budget for the next school year but had to cut back on some of its administrative, teaching, and support positions to do so. UCDSB trustees approved the 2019-2020 budget during their June 19 committee of the whole session. The UCDSB faced a possible $11.7 million deficit situation. Provincial regulations forbid deficit budgets for school districts. The approved budget will mean reductions in full- and part-time staffing across the district equal to 160 positions. Those staff reductions include administration, teaching, teacher and student support, office staff, and specialist positions. – Gregg Chamberlain LIMOGES SE DÉVELOPPE La municipalité de La Nation travaille actuellement avec deux promoteurs pour un développe- ment résidentiel sur la rue Savage, à Limoges. Deux lotissements accueilleront bientôt quelque 300 maisons chacun. Il y a une de- mande importante pour construire. « Mais, précisait Guylain Laflèche, urbaniste pour La Nation, le gros problème auquel nous faisons face, c’est le manque de terrains. On n’en a plus. » La construction des rues de ce projet prendra son envol cet automne et les 600 unités devraient commencer à prendre forme en 2020. —Annie Lafortune



discussion and final review and approval is deferred to the August council session.

Russell Township is laying the ground- work in case there is ever a provincial government-approved cannabis retail store in the municipality’s future. A cannabis policy statement report is one of the items that will be on the desk for township council members to review and vote on when they return to the table in August from their summer break. The six-page document outlines a possible procedure for the municipality to follow should there ever be a proposal to set up a cannabis retail outlet in Russell Township. “The government of Ontario announced that the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario is the provincial authority that licenses cannabis retail operators, authorizes cannabis retail locations, and licenses store staff,” stated the report. “Municipal governments have no licensing authority.” But the report also noted that commission (AGCO) may be the one who approves a can- nabis retail application, the township still has authority over the zoning for any new commercial project, and also must make sure that the facility meets provincial building code standards and also local and provincial guidelines dealing with parking space and other concerns within an area zoned for retail use. The report outlines a procedure for municipal staff to monitor the AGCO website to check for approvals of any cannabis retail applications for the Russell Township area and be able to prepare and submit a list of questions or concerns to the commission during the manda- tory 15-day public comment period. One concern that the township’s cannabis policy procedure would raise is provincial as- surance that any cannabis retail outlet is not located with 150 metres of “sensitive areas,” which would include schools, nurseries or child- care centres, libraries, community centres, treatment and therapy centres for mental health or addiction, neighbourhood parks, playgrounds or other recreation facilities, including marinas, wharfs and docks, churches, municipal build- ings, police, fire, and ambulance stations, farm- ers market sites, cemeteries, public cenotaphs, or other sites for remembrance gatherings. The policy will demand that AGCO avoid any application approvals that result in “clustering” of more than one cannabis retail outlet within a single area zoned for retail or close to or within an area zoned residential. Township council received the report during its June 17 session for preliminary review before it recessed for the summer break. Further

Le canton de Russell pourrait bientôt avoir une nouvelle politique pour l’aider à traiter toute demande d’approbation d’un point de vente au détail de cannabis dans la communauté présentée au gouvernement provincial. Un rapport sur un projet de politique sera l’un des points que le conseil devra examiner et approuver ou renvoyer à l’administration pour qu’elle y apporte des changements lorsque le conseil reviendra en aout après sa relâche estivale de juillet. —archives ,&&1$00-%63*/(46..&3)&"58"7&


The sunny weather has triggered a heatwave warning from the public health office. People in Prescott-Russell and other parts PG&BTUFSO0OUBSJPFOKPZJOHUIFBSSJWBMPGSFBM summer weather are urged to take care they don’t suffer from sun burn or heat stroke. 5IF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6  issued a heatwave advisory July 3 as outside temperatures climbed to the high 20s and MPXTJOTPNFQBSUTPG&BTUFSO0OUBSJP Seniors, infants and children, and people who either work outdoors or enjoy outdoor recreation and exercise are the ones most at risk for heat-related illnesses. 5IF&0)6BEWJTFTSFTJEFOUTUPESJOL plenty of water to avoid dehydration, and avoid being outside or out of the shade during the extreme heat of the day. Use sunscreen BOEXFBSBIBUXIFOFWFSQPTTJCMF8IFO indoors wipe down with damp cloths or take a quick shower to help cool down after being outside. 8BUDIGPSTZNQUPNTPGIFBUTUSPLFPS heat exhaustion. They include swelling of the hands, feet and ankles, heat rash and muscle cramps, dizziness or fainting, nausea which may lead to vomiting, headache, rapid breathing and heartbeat, and extreme thirst. If any one or more of these symptoms appear, get to a cool place right away and start sipping water. In extreme cases, if someone collapses and passes out, or seems confused and shows no sign of sweating, call 911. Get the person to a cool place until help arrives. Apply cool damp cloths or wipe them down

Le temps estival est enfin arrivé, mais les températures extrêmement élevées ont motivé le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario à émettre un avis de vague de chaleur. Il est conseillé de boire beaucoup d’eau, de rester le plus possible à l’ombre à l’extérieur et de prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires pour rester au frais et éviter les coups de soleil et les coups de chaleur. —photo fournie 'PMMPXJOH UIF &0)6 BMFSU  3VTTFMM Township designated several sites within the municipality as “cooling sites” where residents, especially seniors, who lack air conditioning in their homes or other means of keeping cool during extreme heat situations can go . Russell Township residents can call their municipal office for the locations of these cooling centres or go to the municipal website for the information. Other municipalities may also have designated specific facilities as “cooling centres” during extreme heat situations. with cold water to try and bring their body temperature down.

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