American Consequences - December 2020

Re: The Hypocrisy of COVID-19 Mandates

thoughtful articles coming. – Paul K.

Seb Gorka Response: Thank you! The anti- vaxxer movement is a tragic story that deserves a whole article in itself. (Right Ed?!) Why is there such a rush to a vaccine program that supposedly addresses an illness which has a 0.14% fatality rate in the aggregate? And why is the vaccine an mRNA vaccine? This type of vaccine makes irreversible changes to your DNA, and can be used for a variety of agenda-driven purposes that go way beyond the purported intent. I like Donald Trump. I voted for him twice, and I continue to support him and his agenda for our country. But I cannot support this rush-to-market approach in the deployment of a vaccine which in reality is problematic in its safety record during the abbreviated test stages of its development. It’s more a politically inspired vaccine than a medically necessary one. And there is no going back once you take the vaccine. The genetic changes in your body will be irreversible, and will be passed down to your descendants. – Patrick M. Seb Gorka Response: While the mortality rate for COVID is low, its capacity to rapidly kill the vulnerable, and the alacrity with which it spread globally, is reason enough to develop a vaccine so quickly. And not all the vaccines being developed are mRNA-types. Lastly, no one is forcing you to be vaccinated. (For now!)

AD #0 This is not a democratic issue or a republican issue. It is a healthcare issue. An issue of sacrificing for the greater good (thinkWWII rationing, etc). It is about leadership and individual responsibility. – AE Jason Rantz Comment: It’s not a Democrat or a Republican issue? You could have fooled me after a campaign by Biden and the media telling me Trump was the reason why people are dying from COVID... in New York and New Jersey. And I agree this is – or at least should be – a health care issue. That’s why it’s important to focus on data and put out guidance that actually makes sense and is consistent. Not consistent? Allowing publicly financed, union-based construction projects to continue but shutting down privately funded Making Covid a Political Issue Helps No One... As someone who has chosen to follow strict stay at home since March, I’m pretty frustrated by the ridiculous article you made the lead article in today’s post. Articles like that are part of the problem. They are petulant, self-indulgent, and frankly demonstrate a very self-centered perspective. We are not the Me States of America. We are the UNITED States of America. construction projects during the height of COVID. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee made that mandate. Seems political to me, doesn’t it? And for someone who waxes poetic about how this issue should be about all of us in this UNITED States of America, you sure do make the argument an awful lot about you.

American Consequences


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