Dizionario Enciclopedico di Psicoanalisi dell'IPA

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De M’Uzan M. (1994). La Bouche de l’inconscient . Paris: Gallimard.

Diamond, D. and Blatt, S. J. (2007). Introduction. In: Attachment and Sexuality. In: Diamond D, Blatt, S. J. and Lichtenberg, J. D. (eds). New York: Analytic Press, 1-26. Diamond, M. J. (2014) Analytic Mind Use and Interpsychic Communication: Driving Force in Analytic Technique, Pathway to Unconscious Mental Life. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 83:525- 563. Ehrlich, L. T., Kulish, N. M., Hanly, M. A., Robinson, M. & Rothstein, A. (2017) Supervisory Countertransferences and Impingements in Evaluating Readiness for Graduation: Always Present, Routinely Under-Recognized. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 98:491-516.

Erlich, H.S. (2003) Experience—what is it? Int. J. Psycho-Anal. , 84:1125-1147.

Eshel, O. (2019). The Emergence of Analytic Oneness: Into the Heart of Psychoanalysis. Routlege, London and New York, 2019. Fivaz-Depeursinge, E. & Corboz-Warnery, A. (1999). The primary triangle: A developmental systems view of mothers, fathers, and infants. New York: Basic Books. Fonagy, P., Gergely, G., Jurist, E., & Target, M. (2002) Affect regulation, mentalization, and the development of the self. New York: Other Press. Ferro, A. (2009). Transformations in dreaming and characters in the analytic field. Int J Psychoanal., 90: 209-230. Ferro, A. and Civitarese, G. (2013a). Analysts in search of an author: Voltaire or Artemisia Gentileschi? Commentary on “Field theory in psychoanalysis, Part 2: Bionian field theory and contemporary Interpersonal/Relational psychoanalysis” by Donnel Stern, Psychoanal Dial 23: 646-653. Ferro, A. and Civitarese, G. (2013b). The meaning and use of metaphor in analytic field theory. Psychoanal. Inq . 33: 190-209. Fonseca, V.R. (2019) The Default Mode Network on The Couch - Kleinian Questions; Panel Presentation: The Default Mode Network And Psychoanalytic Models Of The Mind, IPA 51st Congress, London, July 2019.

Freud, S. (1895). Project for a scientific psychology. SE 1 , p. 295-391.

Freud, S. (1900). The Interpretation of Dreams. S.E. 4/5: ix-627.

Freud, S. (1901). On dreams: 1900-1901. S.E. 5: 629-686.


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