
L’ÉSCE exprime sa fierté franco-ontarienne $0--&$5 * 7 * 5 r  $0..6/ * 5:

In an idyllic world, straight and sparkling white teeth would be a given for everyone. Unfortunately, genetics, health, and accidents play a significant role in obtaining and keeping what is deemed as the “perfect smile.” Luckily, the field of dentistry has evolved by leaps and bounds and technological advancements now enable dental professionals to repair common, but highly problematic issues. One of these issues is tooth loss. Whether caused by an accident, health problems or poor oral health care, a missing tooth or teeth can have detrimental physical and psychological effects if not repaired properly and quickly. From a physical point of view, missing teeth can lead to difficulties with speech, chewing abilities and also negatively impact the overall shape of your face. Also, any remaining healthy teeth may be affected as well. From a psychological point of view, the appearance of missing or decaying teeth, or the inability to speak properly, can have an effect on self-esteem and confidence. Dentures have been the go-to, reliable solution for several years. Although these are economic and better than nothing, they also present potentially problematic situations. Ill-fitting dentures are not only uncomfortable they can lead to health issues including soreness and ulcers, accelerated bone loss, oral cancer, increased tooth decay and malnutrition due to difficulty chewing solid foods. Add to these potential problems and the stress or embarrassment of dislodged dentures, and it becomes apparent that dentures must be properly fitted by a team of highly-skilled professionals. Because your mouth is always changing, your dentures will need occasional adjusting or relining to make sure they fit properly. Always look for cracks in your dentures and take them to your specialist immediately for repair. Dental implants are another common solution to replace missing or damaged teeth and are a viable alternative to dentures. Allowing patients to regain oral health, function, and esthetics, the addition of implants can make a significantly positive difference to those with problem dentures. Because they so closely resemble natural teeth in both function and esthetics, they present an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. Notwithstanding these current, practical procedures, there have been significant technological advancements in the field of dentistry that have brought forth a new solution: Teeth-in-a-Day! The superior technology responsible for Teeth-in-a-Day has revolutionized dental prosthetics and allowed numerous patients to have a beautiful smile in a single appointment. This dental implant treatment has removed discomfort and long waiting times out of the equation, enabling patients to smile with confidence, quickly and comfortably. The one-day solution also presents economical advantages because the process is completed over the course of one appointment and not drawn out over months of painstaking dental repairs and, consequently, costs. Several specialist dental practices offer financing plans that fit every budget. This new procedure delivers an unsurpassed comfort level and is in stark contrast to the discomfort that denture wearers can experience with ill-fitting dentures. Unique, effective, and convenient, the Teeth-in-a-Day technology has allowed countless individuals to regain their health, their confidence, and their positive outlook on life. By Nicholas Fournier Teeth-in-a-Day Technology: Revolutionizing dental prosthetics and changing lives.


UCDSB plans year- long July 1st party Canada becomes 150 years old in 2017.At least one Eastern Ontario school already has plans for a year-long sesquicentennial birthday cele- bration starting now and leading up to July 1st of next year. The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) plans a 150-day celebration throughout its coverage area during the 2016- 2017 school term of the 150th anniversary of Confederation. Each of the 85 schools in the district will host one or more special events to commemorate the birth of Canada.The UCDSB is also sponsoring a Building a Better Canada project to give students, at both elementary and secondary schools, a chance to express their thoughts and ideas about what makes Canada a good country to live in and how it could be even better, through either video or school presen- tations. The Canada 150 events calendar is at ucdsbcelebratescanada150.aspx. La fierté franco-ontarienne a été célébrée en grand à l’École secondaire catholique d’Embrun (ÉSCE) le vendredi 23 septembre à l’occasion du lever du drapeau organisé dans le gymnase de l’école. Rappelons que le dimanche 25 septembre était le Jour des Franco-Ontariens et Franco- Ontariennes. Plusieurs centaines de levers de drapeaux ont été observés aux cours des derniers jours dans la région, et ailleurs dans la province, afin de souligner comme il se doit cette journée importante. Même la Tour de la Paix, à Ottawa, a été parée d’un éclairage vert et blanc. À Embrun, les élèves de l’École élémen- taire catholique St-Jean, du Pavillon La Croi- sée et de l’École élémentaire catholique St- Joseph de Russell ont joint, via vidéo, leurs collègues de la septième à la 12e de l’ÉSCE. Ensemble, ils ont assisté au lever du dra- peau franco-ontarien. La célébration a commencé avec l’inter- prétation par Désiré Benoit, une ancienne élève de l’école, de la chanson Mon beau drapeau . Des élèves ont ensuite brandi diffé- rentes affiches afin d’exprimer leur fierté ainsi qu’un énorme drapeau franco-ontarien fabriqué à partir d’anneaux de carton. Pendant ce temps, on faisait jouer diffé- rentes chansons en français, dont J’entends frapper , de Michel Pagliaro. Le tout s’est terminé avec l’hymne non officiel franco-ontarien, Notre Place. À la suite de la cérémonie, le comité Enfant Papillon a demandé aux élèves de l’école de faire quatre tours de pistes afin de démontrer leur solidarité pour Jonathan Pitre, un élève de l’ÉSCE victime d’unemala- die de la peau sérieuse, qui est présentement auMinnesota afin de subir des traitements.

La fierté franco-ontarienne a été célébrée en grand à l’École secondaire catholique d’Embrun (ÉSCE) le vendredi 23 septembre lors de la célébration du drapeau. La célé- bration a commencé avec l’interprétation de la chanson Mon beau drapeau par Désiré Benoit, une ancienne élève de l’école. —photo Danic Legault

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