King's Business - 1924-01



OUR LETTER BOX “May I compliment you upon the beautiful and artistic cover of the enlarged edition of “The King’s Business.” It is a joy to the eye. It is very lovely, this new enlarged issue. I am an invalid and found it very tiresome to hold the smaller issues also and find with my fading vision that I can read this much «easier.-—Mrs. A. A. F., N. Y. “Enclosed is $5.00 for which please send to the names enclosed at your “earliest convience, The King’s Business for one year. I have done this work as heartily unto the Lord. I get great help and blessing from the K. B. so I am happy to pass this blessing on to others and my prayer is that through these new members of the great K. B. fam­ ily, the magazine will be the means of bringing blessing into more homes and lives and hearts.”—Miss C. M. K., New York. “Please send the October number of The King’s Business at once. I can’t afford to miss a single number. Can’t get along without this wonderful magazine that is standing so firm for the faith once for all delivered to the saints, and I for one am with you in the fight for the Whole Bible for the Whole World.”—A Missionary with the American S. S. Union. “I am glad to tell you that The King’s Business is a force for good everywhere I find it. I sent for copies of “The Fundamentals” a month ago, and am sure they should be on every minister’s book shelf, in fact should be in the hands of every Christian who wants to stand for the Truth. God bless you in your work.”— Rev. R. G., Washington. “God bless you and all the workers of the K. B.s It is an inspiration and a joy, every issue, and I look forward from one copy to the other for the good, rich spiritual food you are sending out:”— J. A. C., County Evangelist, N. C. ' .Wc. ¿-'ie. ate NOTED CARTOONIST BECOMES PASTOR OF CANTON CHURCH Our readers will be interested in knowing that Rev. E. J. Pace, who has for so long a time illustrated the weekly exposition of the lesson in the Sunday School Times, and who has also furnished-several exceedingly timely cartoons for The King’s Business, has lately accepted a call to the First United Brethren Church of Canton, Ohio,— a church having a membership of over 2300. Canton is to be con­ gratulated on the coming of this outstanding defender of the faith. God bless- pastor and people. 920 FRANKLIN STREET! Who lives there? Do YOU? Well, someone from that address sent us $5,001 for five subscriptions, and said they “could hardly wait until they arrived” but the writer signed no name nor gave any P. O. address. Of course, it is impossible for us to do anything about it, until we get another letter wondering why the magazines have not ar­ rived. You would be surprised to know the number of similar omissions which occur in letters received by us. Just let us suggest that you look your letter over carefully the last thing before enclosing it in the envelope, and be sure that it contains, State, City, Street or RFD address, and any enclosures necessary. “A stitch in time saves nine!”

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B IO L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.-

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