Reading Book Club in DMLL, October 2022 . Miss Yasmin Sadeghi, TA from AECID, Spain. The sessions have continued throughout the AY 2022–2023. The sessions have been well attended by students, several members of the Diplomatic Corp in Jamaica and DMLL staff members. Cross Campus Teaching efforts . Two Graduate Students registered for and took a course on the Latin America Essay with the St. Augustine Campus, as part of the MA in Languages, Literatures and Films offered by DMLL. The Department aims to continue to offer more cross campus teaching and increase collaboration amongst the DMLL of all three campuses. We have identified courses to be offered online to all students from the St Augustine, Cave Hill and Mona campuses. PRIZES, SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Daneen Jowhill , third year student of Japanese Language Programme , was the first prize winner of a Japanese haiku competition which was organized by RCCJ (Japanese Language Education Network of Central America and the Caribbean) and Japan Foundation, an agency of the government of Japan. The online event was held on November 13, 2022. Erasmus University of Valladolid, Spain. Zori Blake (French and Spanish), Nathan Walker (IR and Spanish) and Eby Nelson (Special Linguistics Programme) were accepted to the mobility exchange programme with the University of Valladolid, Spain, to spend a semester abroad as a part of their degree. United Nations Internship . Based on his performance in Part 2 of the United Nations Competitive Examination for English Translator/Precis-writers, Editors and Verbatim Reporters, Joel Polson – student of the M.A. in Translation – was selected to a live exercise and competency-based interview. He became a recipient of an Internship at UN. NEW SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED • Chinese: On December 12, 2022, 10 students of Chinese (Mandarin) from the DMLL received scholarships given by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Kingston, Jamaica. These students were invited to a ceremony at the Confucius Institute. • French: The Anita Brown Memorial Award in French Translation donated by Dr. Desrine Bogle valued at 300USD, is to be awarded in the AY 2023–2024. • The Spanish-Jamaica Foundation (SJF) awarded 5 scholarships to Modern Languages and Literatures Students valued at 50,000J$ each. The award was available to 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd year students pursuing a B.A in Spanish at the DMLL.
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