The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



• Thompson, C. S., & Wilmot, A-M. (2022). Power Sharing in Times of Crisis: Jamaican Teachers’ Reflections on Principals’ Leadership Approaches in the COVID-19 Pandemic. In A-M. Wilmot, & C. Thompson (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Activating Middle Executives’ Agency to Lead and Manage During Times of Crisis (pp. 82–110). IGI Global. 4331-6.ch004 • Thompson, C.S., Wilmot, A-M. (2022). Student-Teachers’ Perspectives on Sus- tainable Development: An Analysis of Their Learning and Growth Experiences in Implementing an SD Project. In: Leal Filho, W., Portela de Vasconcelos, C.R. (eds) Handbook of Best Practices in Sustainable Development at University Level. World Sustainability Series . Springer, Cham. 3-031-04764-0_20 Monograph • Beukes-Amiss, M., Haynes-Brown, T., Moore, S ., Makoe, M., Skidmore, J., Veletsianos, G. (2022). Making Digital Assessment Count: Designing for Engage- ment, Integrity and Authenticity . Commonwealth of Learning.


CONFERENCES| WEBINARS • Ferdinand-James, D. , Nelson, K., & Tugwell, Y. (2022, June 15–16 ). “Sustaining Graduate Research via the Virtual Reading Room: A mixed methods study of TVET students in a Caribbean higher education space.” Paper presented at the Schools of Education Biennial Virtual Conference 2022: Reimagining Education for Global Sustainability , The UWI, School of Education, Cave Hill, Campus, Barbados, West Indies. • Ferdinand-James, D. (2022, August 17). “ Building Resilience Through Faith in Facing Challenges in Academia”. Paper presented at the Wise Leader Virtual Conference. • Ferdinand-James, D., Nelson, K., Tugwell, Y., & Eccleston-Burte, B. (2022, October 25). “ The centrality of TVET libGuides to graduate research in an era of digital transformation at a Caribbean university”. Presentation at Virtual LIS Conference 2022: “That was Then, This is Now: Libraries Adapting to the Future”, The UWI Mona Library, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. • Ferdinand-James, D. (2022, November 1). “ A deeper look at diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice through the lens of faith”. Panelist at The Wise Leader Virtual Conference, Kentucky, U.S.A. (see The Wise Leader Conference 2022.

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