submitted and featured. Following its QAR in October 2021 and presentation of its Action Plan to Faculty Board in May 2022 and to Academic Board in June 2022, the Philosophy Section presented its Follow Up Review to Faculty Board on May 26, 2023 and was scheduled for presentation to Academic Board in June 2023 but this was postponed. Following its QAR in February 2022, the Linguistics Section presented its Action Plan to Faculty Board in October 2022 and to Academic Board in January 2023. AWARDS/GRANTS/FUNDING Mrs. Shauna-Kaye Powell- McArthur , Adjunct Lecturer (Linguistics,) received special recognition for outstanding contribution to social good impact in the cate- gory “Good Health and Well-Being” (Sustainable Development Goal 3) from Project Management Initiative for her work as a Project Officer during its November 3, 2022 Social Good Recognition Ceremony. Six staff members were recognised for the high quality of their teaching: 1. Mrs. Ornette Blair (adjunct FOUN1019 Instructor) and Ms. Dejon Lingo (full- time FOUN1019 Instructor) from the ELS and Ms. Khimaja Connell, Mr. Okechukwu Ezenne and Dr. Rotimi Omosulu from the Philosophy Section received 2022 UWI, Mona, Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) awards for Excellence in University Teaching (i.e. student evaluation ratings of 4.5 and above) on April 26, 2023.
Mr. Okechukwu Ezenne, Mrs. Ornette Blair, Ms. Dejon Lingo, Ms. Khimaja Connell and Dr. Rotimi Omosulu with their “UWI Distinguished Teaching Award (2022)”
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