editionap.ca COMMUNAUTÉ • COMMUNITY Firefighters challenged in Embrun
completed first at 4:51:24, Embrun second with 5:22:36, Ingleside 5:44:18, Clarence Rockland 6:26:18, Fournier 6:27:12, L’Orignal 6:42:12 and Casselman 6:59:24. The relay event divides the same race into separate components for the four to six team members who will form the relay. It is the same track but the relay aspect makes the race much faster. Results were: Ottawa 1:12:12, Ingleside 1:19:18, Embrun third with 1:21:36, Hawkesbury fourth 1:26:12, Embrun
CANDICE VETTER candice.vetter@eap.on.ca
At the fairgrounds Terrains de la foire 8:30 am – 11:00 am/8h – 11h Canada Day Community Breakfast (hosted by the Russell Legion at 24 Legion Lane, Russell) Déjeûner communautaire du Jour du Canada (organisé par la Légion de Russell, au 24, voie Legion, Russell) 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm/12h – 16h Russell Scouts Barbecue / Barbecue des Scouts de Russell 12:00 pm -11:00 pm/12h – 23h Beer Garden / Brasserie en plein air 12:00 pm– 5:00 pm/12h – 17h Kids Games and Activities - Free Popcorn, Corn Box, Inflatable Bouncers etc. Jeux et activités pour enfants – maïs soufflé gratuit, jeux gonflables etc. 12:30 pm/12h30 Volleyball Tournament – Teams of 6 (at least 2 female players per team). Registration at 12:00 noon onsite. Tournoi de volleyball – Équipes de 6 (au moins deux femmes par équipe). Inscriptions à midi sur place. 1:00 pm/13h Hot Dog and Jello Eating Contest / Concours du plus gros mangeur de hot-dogs et Jello 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm/13h30 – 15h30 Eddy & the Stingrays 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm/14h – 17h Russell Fire Department Giant Water Sprinkler / Arrosoir géant du Service des incendies de Russell 4:00 pm/16h Dinner by Kin Club of Russell (serving pulled pork & salad) Souper du Club Kin de Russell (porc effiloché et salade) 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm/16h – 19h Entertainment by Sagebrush / Divertissement par Sagebrush 7:30 pm – 11:30 pm/19h30 – 23h30 Entertainment by Odd Man Out / Divertissement par Odd Man Out 10:00 pm (dusk)/22h (brunante) National anthem performed by Brianna Lalonde with FIREWORKS behind Russell High School in Russell. Donations graciously accepted onsite (rain date is July 2) Hymne national chanté par Brianna Lalonde suivi de feux d’artifice derrière le Russell High School à Russell. Les dons seront acceptés sur place. En cas de pluie, l’activité sera reportée au 2 juillet. Dinner by Kin Club of Russell (serving pulled pork & salad) Souper du Club Kin de Russell (porc effiloché et salade) 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm/16h – 19h
EMBRUN l T he Embrun Firefighters’ Chal- lenge was another success this year, at- tracting 10 teams and hundreds of specta- tors to Yahoo Park in Embrun on Saturday, June 21. Teams from Ottawa, Ingleside, Clarence-
Photos Candice Vetter
Rockland, Fournier, L’Orignal, Casselman, Hawkesbury, and Russell, and two teams from Embrun, competed for the fast- est time on the arduous track. In the first part of the challenge, individual firefighters dressed in full firefighting equipment, grabbed the firehose, raced up four storeys of metal stairs, hauled up another hose by Above, Embrun firefighter Jimmy Ivanski concentrates as he races up the tower loaded with full gear and a fire hose at the Embrun Fire Department’s Firefighters’Challenge. Ivanski came in sixth overall.
Lionel Desnoyers Réfrigération Résidentiel - Ferme - Commercial
2 camions de service sur appel 7 jours par semaine
Jean-Michel Lafrance of the Casselman Fire Department was one of the challengers at the Embrun Fire Department’s Firefighters’ Challenge.
rope, ran down the stairs, hammered a steel weight until it moved back, ran an obstacle course, picked up a pressurized firehose, fired the water at a target until it opens, run back, grab a dummy which weighs as much as a grown man, and drag him to safety. Team members’ times were added to- gether to produce a team time. Ottawa
613 764-5635 Cell. : 613 223-7241
1:32:54, Fournier 1:34:12, L’Orignal 1:37:18, Casselman 1:40:06, Clarence-Rockland 1:45:06 and Russell 1:45:18. Less than 33 seconds sep- arated first and last place. Local team members making the top six in- clude Josh Kerr of Russell in fourth place with 1:41.18 and Jimmy Ivanski of Embrun with 1:45:12.
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JonathanTremblay and Jakob Buhler of the Embrun Fire Department compete in the Embrun Fire Department’s Firefighters’ Challenge, held at Yahoo Park in Embrun on Saturday, June 21. One of the two Embrun teams that entered came in second in the day’s events.
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