M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Thriving Under 30 — June 2023 — 9A
T hriving U nder 30
Paulina Escobar, CREATE Architecture, Planning & Design
time working in New York City - have broadened and deepened my appreciation of architecture in a global context. Merging my Latin American heritage with exposure to diverse cultures and design philosophies has fostered a more inclusive and culturally sensitive approach in my work which is crucial in today’s world. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive gradu- ating from college? Especially to young archi- tects graduating from col- lege, I would advise them to embrace their personal style and passion for architec- ture and try to find it every day in the world around you. Stay curious and open minded, search out opportu- nities for learning through internships, mentorships or continued education courses. Traveling, meeting new people from different backgrounds and embrac- ing diversity of approaches within the field allow you to explore new ideas that force you to collaborate and look at architecture in ways you hadn’t before. Take the time to improve and enhance your technical abilities and your understanding of the context in which you work. Conceptual design and ideas are important, but as archi- tects we are only as good as what we can actually “put on paper.” Keep in mind that architecture is a profession that demands both techni- cal expertise and creative spirit, so try to keep learn- ing as much as you can and use those tools to be able to pursue and vouch for your vision. Each project presents its own set of unique chal- lenges and opportunities, so we must learn to be adapt- able and come up with cre- ative solutions for each spe- cific challenge. Architecture is a profession that requires patience, perseverance and a willingness to evolve. Ultimately, my advice to young architects as a young architect myself, would be to remind yourself that archi- tecture is a life long learning process. Take every experi- ence, both big and small, as an opportunity to increase your knowledge and develop new skills, be open minded about different approaches, and don't stop seeking inspi- ration in everyday life. MAREJ
My family also instilled in me a great enthusiasm for travel which has allowed me to interact with architecture in different settings and has allowed me to understand the importance of cultural con- text when it comes to design. Later on, as I began my professional journey, I was fortunate enough to work with mentors that sparked new curiosity and passion within me. They challenged conventional thinking while encouraging me to question norms and explore innova- tive design approaches. Today, I believe my design approach draws heavily on the combination between those two experiences. I try to capture elements of my Latin American culture, while also drawing upon the knowledge gained later on in my profes- sional life abroad such as cutting edge technologies, innovative materials, new construction methods and global perspectives in design. What were some of your early goals and did any- thing happen to change them? Early in my career, my goals centered around aes- thetics and overall innova- tion of design/architecture projects. My primary focus on architecture was deeply rooted in aesthetics and my main goal was to design visually attractive projects. Today, while aesthetics re- main important to me, my perspective has grown over- time to appreciate design as a vehicle for positive trans- formation. Currently, I recognize that every architectural inter- vention has the power to make a significant impact and this understanding mo- tivates and drives my design approach. Whether it's a new construction project or a renovation, my ulti- mate goal is to add value. Responsible architecture should go beyond aesthetics. It should be about designing spaces which improve the lives of people who interact with them. I believe in the importance of place making and our responsibility as architects to consider the social, cultural and environ- mental factors that shape a specific context. My goal is to understand a space’s iden- tity and create architecture continued from page 8A
Merging my Latin American heritage with exposure to diverse cultures and design philosophies has fostered a more inclusive and culturally sensitive approach in my work which is crucial in today’s world.
that responds to these sur- roundings by celebrating the unique character of a place. My recent work in com- mercial architecture at CREATE in New York, has reinforced the importance of designing for people. I have come to appreciate the im- portance of designing spaces that foster social interac- tions and a sense of commu- nity. Additionally, as I have engaged in more renovation projects, I’ve come to value even more the significance of sustainability and it has become an important goal in my designs. I challenge my- self to find innovative ways to create architecture while preserving what is neces- sary by reusing and renovat- ing existing structures in or- der to embrace sustainable design principles. Looking back, my initial goals in ar- chitecture centered around aesthetics and innovation; over time they have tran- sitioned towards exploring the transformative power of design and how it can change people's lifestyles for the better. What was the most de- fining moment for you? One of the most defining moments in my career as an architect was when I had the opportunity to intern for an architectural firm in New York City in my last semester of college. Working at CREATE Architecture, Planning & Design in such a cosmopolitan and diverse city had a profound effect on my perspective - particularly regarding art, architecture and cultural exchange. Being immersed in this vibrant en- vironment allowed me to see how different architectural styles, innovative design approaches and cultural in- fluences all blended. Having this city as my background constantly inspired me and pushed me to explore the lim- its in my own ideas and work. New York City provided me with a contrast to my past experiences, particularly as
an architect from Colombia where architectural styles and urban environments pos- sess their own distinct char- acter, I discovered a whole new array of possibilities. New York's diversity, going from historic landmarks to cutting-edge contemporary structures, taught me the value of contextualizing de- sign within its surroundings and producing spaces which reflect the own cultural and urban fabric of a place. Additionally, working in New York introduced me to an incredible diversity of individuals from different backgrounds, disciplines, and cultures. Collaborating with professionals from vari- ous fields, different cultural backgrounds and diverse walks of life broadened my perspective while opening up opportunities to explore new ideas, materials, and techniques. It also broad- ened my knowledge of social and historical influences on architecture and helped me cultivate an approach to de- sign that takes into account all needs and aspirations of diverse communities. Finally, CREATE broad- ened my perspective on what architecture could be and allowed me to meet valuable mentors that shaped the way I think. It provided me with access to a great variety of architectural projects that required me to think outside the box. Working on projects that included retail, mixed use and residential projects all over The United States, each with unique constraints and opportunities - I learned adaptability, versatility, as well as how best to navi- gate urban environments. Moreover, learning from experienced architects who guided me and mentored me, I learned about approach to design, construction meth- ods, material selection and project management. Their guidance not only expanded my technical abilities but also instilled in me a sense of
responsibility in delivering high-quality designs. What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most suc- cessful in your profession? In my profession as an ar- chitect, I believe that several unique qualities and aspects of my personality have con- tributed toward my career. One quality that sets me apart is my awareness of inspiration all around me. I find that although I have many hobbies outside of my professional practice, archi- tecture permeates almost all aspects of life. Whether it's my passion for photography, keeping up with recent films or books, baking or even im- mersing myself in nature, I can always find inspiration in unexpected places and have architecture in the back of my mind. This has helped me approach projects with a fresh perspective and come up with unique and captivating elements in design. Attention to detail is also another quality I believe is indispensable for an archi- tect, and I’ve strived to mas- ter over the years. Observing the intricacies of any space and carefully considering every element and detail, from material selection to lighting design is what dif- ferentiates good design from a great one. Motivation and dedica- tion are also key compo- nents that have contributed towards my career. I am incredibly passionate about my profession, and this en- thusiasm drives my desire to continually learn and stay updated. This has allowed me to remain innovative, relevant and responsive to changing needs and ever evolving architecture. I have trained myself to be adapt- able, fast learning and flex - ible, all which I believe are important qualities when practicing architecture. More generally, my multicul- tural experiences - such as my
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