Sri Navadvipa-Dham Mahatmya

Chapter Three


“Yamunä, the sister of Yamaräja, is worshiped by all people. If a person bathes in the Yamunä River, he attains My supreme abode and becomes glorious. “One who dies in Mathurä after engaging in My service, without doubt attains a four‑armed form and does not take birth on earth again.” Viçräma‑sthäna, the place where Mahäprabhu rested after His kértana , is described in the Varäha Puräëa as follows, “O Devé, if one bathes in the holy place called Viçränti, which is renowned in the three worlds, he will be glorified in My abode. The results that one obtains by bathing in all the térthas can be obtained by seeing the Lord as He takes rest. O goddess, if a person bathes at Viçräma‑tértha, he obtains results that cannot be attained by performance of sacrifice, austerity, meditation, and yoga. A person who sees the Lord at rest and circumambulates Him twice in the morning, noon, and evening attains Viñëuloka. At Viçräma‑tértha there are twelve rare sacred places. If one takes bath, performs charity, japa, or sacrifice there, one gets results a thousand times increased. Even by remembering those places, a person becomes freed from all sin.” Harihara‑kñetra and Käçé‑kñetra are described in these words: “Mahä‑Väräëasé is the highest abode of Lord Çiva. Know that this place, which extinguishes all sin, is better than Käçé.” In the Matysa Puräëa it is said: “Since one cannot get liberation except from the Lord, this place is called Avimukta. Whatever sins a man or woman may commit intentionally or unintentionally are turned to ashes on entering into Avimukta‑kñetra. This place is greater than Tértharäja Prayäga, because, living entities attain liberation here with very little effort.” In the Liìga Puräëa it is said: “If a killer of a brähmaëa enters Avimukta‑kñetra, he will be freed from his sin by the power of this place, and if a person lives in this place he attains a position similar to my own.” In the Brahma Puräëa it is said: “Whoever enters Avimukta‑kñetra and worships a liìga will not take birth in this world in a billion kalpas .”

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