

Three job-hunting strategies to adopt without delay

recherche COMMIS AUX PIÈCES Temps partiel • temps plein looking for PARTS CLERK Part time • Full time S.V.P. contacter / Please call Christian 613-632-7832 Marina - 975, Main St. Entrepôt- 923, Cameron St.


According to a poll published by Forbes, for each job opening that gets advertised there are approximately 120 people who will apply for it. So how to stand out from the pack? Try adopting these three strategies: 1. CUSTOMIZE YOUR RESUME Sending out targeted resumes and cover letters to pro- spective employers is a must. This manoeuvre requires indicating how your particular qualifications bear on the specific hiring criteria and demonstrating how your experiences align with the job. In an employer’s eyes, a targeted resume has an edge over a generic one. 2. USE YOUR NETWORK Did you know that employee referrals account for about 40 per cent of new hires? Therefore you should make as many connections as you can — your next job opportunity could come from any direction.

online. In-person connections tend to be more valu- able. On the other hand, there’s no limit to how many online connections you canmake through social media and professional networking sites like LinkedIn. Keep in mind that companies are increasingly fishing for new talent online. 3. LEARN A NEW SKILL If you find that a lot of the jobs that interest you re- quire a skill you don’t have, ask yourself if you can ac- quire it. For instance, if a position demands that you be knowledgeable in search engine optimization (SEO) or Microsoft Office, you could consider completing an online course in one or the other (there are a number of reputable courses that can be completed in a short period of time that will provide you with a certificate upon finishing). Be sure to adopt these strategies and it likely won’t be long before you’ve landed your new position.

Recherche 2 Préposé(e)s aux bénéficiaires • Minuit à 8 h • 16 h à minuit URGENT - 2 postes disponibles Pour renseignements, appelez Jocelyn au 613-679-4355 du lundi au vendredi entre 9 h et 16 h ou faites parvenir votre C.V. par télécopieur au 613-679-2361 ou par courriel N.B. une vérification de dossier criminel doit être fournie



Expert en fenêtres depuis 1973

Deux postes disponibles

ENVOYEZ VOTRE C.V. À DALARY@DALMEN.COM Vous pouvez venir directement porter votre C.V. à l’usine au : 5630, rue Ste-Catherine, Saint-Isidore • Chauffeur de camion 5 tonnes (Classe D) • Chauffeur de camion (livraison de fenêtres sur le chantier)

Ideally, you’ll connect with people both in person and


OFFRE D’EMPLOI L’Imprimerie Prescott-Russell Printing, situé à Hawkesbury dans l’Est ontarien, à mi-chemin entre Montréal et Ottawa, est à la recherche d’un(e) PRESSIER Exigences : bon esprit d’équipe, autonomie et être capable de travailler sous pression en respectant des échéanciers serrés et capable d’assurer un contrôle de la qualité. Compétences recherchées : Bilinguisme français/anglais. Expérience sur presses web. Connaissance d’une presse Harris et d’une unité Quad-Stack. Connaissances mécaniques seraient considérées comme atouts. Permis de conduire valide. Horaire : Poste à temps plein à 30 heures/ semaine avec horaire flexible.

Three tips for showcasing soft skills on your resume

By defining your skills on your resume, you’re letting employers and recruiters know why you’re going to succeed in the job they’re trying to fill. While it’s im- portant to list your hard skills — technical proficien- cies you likely learned in school or in a prior position you held— it’s just as essential to showcase your soft skills—personal traits that indicate how you interact with others. Here are three tips for effectively present- ing soft skills on your resume. Only include relevant soft skills. Care- fully look over the job posting and see which of the sought-after soft skills are ones you can lay claim to. You should also infer which additional soft skills are valued by the company or are relevant to the role by studying the job description, looking at the company website and researching the specifics of the position. 2.Set apart your soft skills. If you have an ample number of both hard and soft skills, present them in separate sections, which you might label respectively as “technical skills”and “additional skills.”This way, busy employers will see them when doing an initial scan of your resume. 3.Demonstrate your soft skills in action. Make sure to also weave your soft skills into the descriptions of your previous jobs. It’s easy to say you have a skill: 1.

illustrating that you have it is far more persuasive.

Once you’ve fine-tuned your resume, you can start thinking about the interview. Be prepared to elaborate on the skills you listed in your resume and think of supplementary ones you might mention.

Rémunération : Salaire selon compétences/ expérience et avantages sociaux compétitifs. ENTRÉE EN FONCTION : Le plus tôt possible

Veuillez faire parvenir votre demande IMPRIMERIE PRESCOTT-RUSSELL PRINTING a/s M. Gilles Normand C.P. 1000, 1100, rue Aberdeen, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 Tél. : 613-632-4151, poste 245 • Téléc. : 613-632-9680 Courriel :

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