SCL SEND Policy 24-25

o Raise Group-wide awareness of the need to identify and support learners with specific needs o Negotiate and agree with learners the milestones and targets to achieve and exceed their goals and aspirations. o Provide support and training to colleagues regarding learners with special educational needs o Implement an effective, adaptive and inclusive curriculum to meet the needs of learners with special educational needs where applicable o Partnership working with external agencies and stakeholders to ensure a common goal with the learner and improve outcomes

SCL Group is compliant with the SEND Code of Practice (2015), Equality Act 2010 and Ofsted EIF (2023).

Ofsted’s, Education Inspection Framework (2023)

‘The quality of provision for learners who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, a much broader group than those attracting high-needs funding, will always be considered during the inspection of any type of provision.’

Equality Act (2010)

Many of these learners may have a disability/difficulty under the Equality Act 2010 – that is ‘…a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. SEND Code of Practice 2016 It is our statutory duty to identify, assess and provide support for young people with SEND: o To co-operate with the local authority on arrangements for children and young people with SEND. o To admit a young person if the institution if named in an EHC plan. o To have regard to the Code of Practice. o To use best endeavours to secure the special educational provision that the young person needs

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