SCL SEND Policy 24-25


Group Director of Learner Services reporting to Executive team

o Up-to date and knowledgeable about legislation and funding o Monitoring and evaluating how resources and budgets are deployed. o Create and drive the SEND Continuous Improvement Plan as an integral part of monitoring quality in the overall Quality Improvement Plan and the Company’s Self -Assessment Report (SAR). o Contributing to and leading the continuing professional development [CPD] of colleagues o Liaising with external agencies and working in partnership with Learning Support Manager o Scrutinising data to identify learners requiring extra support, guiding, and advising on setting individual targets and intervention strategies to support progression and achievement. o Support in monitoring the quality and maintenance of records on all learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities o LS & SEND offer is highlighted in prospectus and made available via the SCL website and Local Offer.

Learning Support Manager – reporting to Group Director of Learner Services

o Monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the provision o Supporting colleagues and assisting them in identifying, assessing, and planning to ensure learner’s needs are met and progress is relative to their anticipated outcomes. o Contributing to the continuing professional development [CPD] of colleagues o Ensuring statement/EHC plan reviews are conducted appropriately with a learner-centred approach being at the heart of the reviews o Complete high-needs funding applications and consultations to secure funding with the relevant local authority o Liaising with external agencies and working in partnership with parents, tutors and assigned Learning Support & SEND team o Transition liaison with secondary schools and post-16 providers o Scrutinising data to identify learners in need of extra support in collaboration with the Group Director of Learner Services o Setting of individual targets and intervention strategies to support progression in collaboration with the Learning Support & SEND team. o Monitoring the quality and maintenance of records on all learners with special educational needs

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