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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 L’ONTARIO VEUT AIDER LES AGRICUL- TEURS DE BOVINS Des changements apportés à un important programme de prêts pour appuyer les agriculteurs vise à réduire davantage les formalités adminis- tratives excessives dans le secteur agricole. Les améliorations apportées au Programme ontarien de garanties d’emprunt pour l’élevage de bovins d’engraissement ont été annoncées par le ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’Ali- mentation et des Affaires rurales, Ernie Hardeman, lors de la récente assem- blée générale annuelle de l’organisme Beef Farmers of Ontario. Les change- ments réduiront les vérifications de crédit que prévoit le programme. Ils permettront également de simplifier la cession du droit de propriété sur des bovins une fois les prêts remboursés. « Notre gouvernement veut aider ces vaillants agriculteurs à se concentrer sur la croissance de leur entreprise, a déclaré M. Hardeman. » - Francis Racine ONTARIO WILL INVEST IN ROADS, SAYS MINISTER Jeff Yurek, Minister of Transportation, recently addressed the Ontario Good Roads Association’s annual conference, highlighting the provincial government strategic investment plan. “Our government is working hard to find efficiencies, in every ministry and across the entire government, so we can fund the projects that matter most to Ontarians. That funding will certainly include the transportation priorities that our province’s communities rely on,” Yurek said. —Francis Racine ATV ROUTES APPROVED Counties council approved a bylaw for ATV routes linked alongside county roads. They include, in Clarence- Rockland, County Road 1 between Pilon Road and Ronald Lalonde Com- munity Centre on St-Pascal Road, CR 2 between 457 Russell Road and Drouin Road; in Alfred-Plantagenet Township CR 9 between Pitch Off Road and 150 metres southwest of County Road 17, CR 17 between Route 21 Road and Principale Street, CR 19 between Concession 6 and Concession 7.



social service department’s tenant subsidy list, did not meet the current provincial fire safety standards. Those new standards had been in place since January 1, 2014, when the previous Liberal provincial government approved legislation for new fire safety protocols for seniors’ residences in Ontario, in the wake of a tragic and fatal fire at a retirement home. The 2004 legislation set a deadline of December 31, 2018, for all seniors’ retirement and long-term-care facilities to upgrade their premises to meet the new standards, which included installation of an automated fire-suppression sprinkler system. But Comtois-Lalonde reported to UCPR council last fall, that many of the residences, which her department dealt with as part of the UCPR tenant subsidy program for seniors’ living accommodations, had not upgraded their facilities yet to meet the new standards or were still in the process. The situation created a potential liability problem for the UCPR. Comtois-Lalonde’s department notified the owner/operators of those facilities that if they did not get their upgrades done to meet the provincial standards before the December 31 deadline, they would no longer be eligible for the UCPR tenant subsidy. i8FDBOOPUTVCTJEJ[FUIFQFPQMFXIPMJWF in those residences,” said Comtois-Lalonde, “because they (residences) do not meet the standards.” Back on track Seniors’ home facilities, which were struck off the UCPR list after missing the deadline, could still re-qualify. Comtois- Lalonde explained that the owners just needed to get the sprinkler system upgrade done, have the local fire department do an inspection and certify that the facility meets the provincial fire safety standard, and then apply to UCPR social services for reinstatement on the senior tenants’ subsidy list. Almost all of the facilities, which were removed from the list after December 31, are now reinstated after providing the UCPR with their recertifications. As of press time, one facility is waiting for its fire safety inspection certification before it applies for reinstatement. One other facility has yet to get its upgrade done.

Almost every senior’s retirement and care facility in Prescott-Russell has a fire-fighting sprinkler system installed now, to meet current provincial safety demands. Anne Comtois-Lalonde, social services director for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR), confirmed during a recent phone interview, that 28 out of 30 large-scale seniors’ home operations, which her department deals with, meet the provincial fire safety standards now. One more facility is in the process of getting its official fire safety certification while another still needs to get an upgrade done. “There’s only the one that’s really behind,” Comtois-Lalonde said. The situation now is different from what it was last year when a large number of seniors’ retirement homes, which are on the

Almost every large-scale seniors’ retirement and care facility in Prescott- Russell now meet the current provincial standards for fire safety. All seniors’ care homes in Ontario had until December 31, 2018 to install fire-suppression sprinkler systems, to meet current provincial fire safety standards. —archives


Your home. Your family. Your choice.

In order to be in fit condition to better serve their Clarence-Rockland community, 20 of the City’s firefighters and 10 of their spouses accepted the challenge of captain Stéphane Lacelle, registering for a 10-week Bootcamp training. “They will be in good hands with Moe St-Amour, fitness trainer with over 16 years of experience,” said fire chief Brian Wilson. “Good luck to all the participants.” – supplied photo


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