Mardi, 1937
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
testimonies on various phases of steward ship. Choose leaders who you believe have caught the vision of their stewardship in these matters, and assign their topics in advance. One subject might be: “The Stewardship of Life in Personal Soul-Win ning.” Other possible themes would be the stewardship of influence, talents, friendship, or money.— S elected . II. I nvestm en ts Note what a dollar will do: $1 spent for a lunch lasts five hours. $1 spent for a necktie lasts five months. $1 spent for an automobile lasts five years. $1 spent for water power or railroad grade lasts five generations. $1 spent in the service of God lasts for eternity. — R oger B abson . III. L ow ering t h e T em perature “Pompey, I hear you are a great preacher.” “Yes, Massa, de Lord do help me pow erfully sometimes.” “Well, Pompey, don’t you think the Ne groes are stealing some things on the planta tion?” “ I’se mighty ’fraid they do, Massa.” “Then Pompey, I want you to preach a sermon to them on the Ten Commandments, and bear down especially on the stealing.” The colored man hung his head in silence for a few minutes and then replied, “ You see, Massa, dat would never do, cause ’twould throw such a coldness over the meeting.” So I find it today. This subject of tithing one’s income seems to chill the ardor of a great many who. can on other occasions shout “Amen,” and “Praise the Lord,” with considerable gusto. But that is because they have not yet learned one of the greatest privileges of the Christian life.— “The Sin We’re Afraid to Mention,” by Oscar Lowry. APRIL 18, 1937 THE GOOD CHURCH-MEMBER IS COMMUNITY-MINDED 1 J ohn 3:17; 4:20 Meditation on the Lesson What is the impelling motive that makes the Christian’s thought reach out toward those living in his community? Who are his “brothers” ? While the Word of God does teach that all men are God’s children by creation, yet only those who are born into His kingdom (John 3:3) are His children in the New Testament sense and are thus “brethren.” The First Epistle of "John is essentially a family letter, written to those who have fulfilled God’s requirement for sonship (John 1:12) and are “ children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:26). Love for other believers is a test of a Christian’s right relationship to God. Mem bers of the New Testament church believed that the church must care for its own. They shared their goods “ as every man had need” (Acts 2:45; cf, 4:34, 35). If today a church member fails to show love in a prac tical way by supplying the physical need of
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“gift” (Rom. 5:15-17; Eph. 2:8, 9), “given” (Rom. 15:15; 1 Cor. 1:4; Gal. 2:9; Eph. 3:7, 8), “ bestowed” (2 Cor. 8:1), and “ free ly” (Rom. 3:24). Thus has come the well- known definition of this Scriptural term: “ ‘Grace’ is the unmerited favor of God to ward man.” In our salvation, there is no room for pride in spiritual attainment: “ For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive?” (1 Cor. 4:7). Even intellect and educational opportuni ties, even the very desire and will to make the most of these advantages, are gifts which the individual has received. “ Now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?” (v. 7). Truly, nothing less than recognition of the steward ship of the whole life can be the right atti tude of a Christian. Our time, our talents, personalities, homes, business abilities, chil dren— all should be laid on the altar, be cause we are not owners of anything. We are only stewards who must give account of our stewardship, for, “ It is required . . .” (1 Cor. 4:2). What is required? Faithfulness. Oh, how gracious our loving heavenly Father is! He does not require success or applause from men, but simple faithfulness. We are re minded forcibly of Christ’s parable of the “talents” as recorded in Matthew 25:14-30. To one servant, the man in the parable gave five talents, to another two, and to another one. When he returned to reckon with his servants, we find this same requirement for the reward: “Well done, good and faithful servant” (v. 23). As we look forward to the great day when our Lord shall come, we remember the promise in the Book of Revelation: “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life” (Rev. 2 : 10 ).
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