“Goldilocks on trial”
“CSI: Goldilocks On Trial” will be the finale for the 13 th
annual Music and Art
Summer Camp that will be held July 9 to 20, Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at
St. Jude Catholic Elementary School in Vankleek Hill.
Each year, over the course of the ten-day camp, a children’s musical is prepared
and performed on the final Friday afternoon of the program. This year, the
featured children’s’ musical is Roald Dahl’s “CSI: Goldilocks On Trial,” an
imaginative and humourous investigation into what happened to Goldilocks once
she disrupted the lives of Mama, Papa and Baby Bear. Interspersed with the musical
are instrumental interludes when campers perform some of the music they have
learned during camp.
Registration forms are available at St. Jude, Pleasant Corners Public School and
Grenville Elementary, the Bank of Nova Scotia in Vankleek Hill, the arena and public
library in Vankleek Hill. Early Bird registration closes June 1; final registration
closes June 15. For further information, call Réjean Lafrance (613-678-6451) or ian
hepburn (613-678-2286.)
Offered by teachers of the Vankleek Hill Music Festival, the camp
provides an excellent opportunity for children, aged 6 to 13, to be introduced to
music and art, whether they have had previous music or art training. In fact, the
majority of campers have had no music lessons of any kind.
The camp is unique in that all children take all the courses offered. The day begins
with Tai Chi and cycles through classes in choir, recorder, glockenspiel or guitar,
harp, drum, drama and art.
Mireille Bériault, director of the Choir, teaches basic vocal and choral technique
and all of the songs comprising the musical. Recorder is taught by Réjean Lafrance,
introducing children to concepts of note recognition and counting. For junior
Wear it to win it!
campers, Christos Bereris teaches Glockenspiel. “Glocks” are similar to xylophones.
For senior campers, Christos gives instruction in single-note and basic guitar
We’ve all heard of getting a ticket when we get caught breaking the rules, but getting
chording. Ian Hepburn teaches simple introductory technique for harp so campers
a ticket for following them?
are able to perform the original compositions learned over the course of the camp.
Members of the Hawkesbury Police Explorers were out in full force during National
Drama class is taught by Cynthia Martin with a view to teaching campers all of the
PoliceWeek to reward young cyclistswho followed the rules of the road. Some 21 cyclists
actions and spoken parts that comprise the musical while art teacher Larry Larouche
were rewarded with coupons for free goodies at local merchants, through a partnership
designs and oversees the construction of all costumes and stage sets making up the
with CTC – Communities That Care.
visual aspects of “CSI: Goldilocks on Trial.”
It’s called a “Positive Ticketing Initiative,” based on the concept that rewarding good
New this year is Drum taught byWilliamLaurin. Drums will be taught in the form
behaviour will encourage others to follow suit. While this event took place during
of drum circles using Djembe (an African hand drum) along with Boomwhackers
National PoliceWeek, the event will be repeated throughout the summer period in order
(a poorman’s bell choir).
to promote cycling safety. This includes having the proper equipment on your bicycle,
The seven teachers are assisted by four high school counsellors who are selected
following the rules of the road and of course wearing a CSA approved bike helmet. As
for their experience working with young children.
Explorer Cedrick Bougie says: “We’re looking for everyone to wear their helmets when
biking, so you have to wear it in order to win it!”
Francesco Attesti concert
Masterclass at the Mozarteum of Salzburg.
There, Francesco was immersed in the
Romantic repertoire, particularly the works
of Chopin and Liszt. He continued to study
withMaestro Perticaroli for several years in
Internationally acclaimed Italian
Rome, refining his skills and winning
pianist Francesco Attesti will perform a
several national and international piano
recital June 20 at 7:30 p.m. in Knox
competitions. Francesco’s first
Presbyterian Church, 29 High St., Vankleek
opportunity to record a CD came in 1998
Hill, tohelp raise funds for theHawkesbury
when the ‘Rugginenti Editore’ label asked
and District General Hospital.
him to record contemporary music. Since
Part of a cross-Canada tour organized
then there have been many recordings on
through Rotary International, the event is
several labels, such as ‘Agora’. ‘Max
sponsored by the Rotary Club of
pour seulement
Research’, and ‘Drycastle’. In 2007, together
Hawkesbury and sanctioned by the
with organist, colleague and friend Matteo
Hawkesbury and District General Hospital
Galli, he published the first recording of
Foundation. Proceeds will be used to
Verdi’s Requiem, transcribed for piano and
purchase a specialized Vibroacoustic Harp
organ, on the ‘Le Voci della Citta’ label.
Therapy unit used to help patients in
Most recently, Francesco produced a CD on
chronic pain and those receiving palliative
the Drycastle label called ‘Feeling Chopin’.
care at the hospital.
That work was devoted entirely to the great
The unit is custom-designed by Bobby
Polish composer.
Lalonde and Ian Hepburn, of Vankleek
Tickets are available in Hawkesbury at
L’Ami de la Santé, 230 Main St. East,
Hodgepodge Boutique, 213 Main St. East,
Crooks & Crannies, 259 Main St. East, the
gift shop at the hospital; in Vankleek Hill at
Grenville (Qc) 819-242-3131
The Review, 76 Main St. East, and Bobby
Lalonde Music, 11 High St. For further
information, call Ian Hepburn at 613-678-
En français
Attesti was born in Cortona in 1975.
Among his generation of musicians, he is
considered one of the finest interpreters of
the Romantic and early 20th Century
He began practising the piano at the age
of 6 and gave his first concert at 11,
performing a transcription of the Toccata
and Fugue in D minor by J.S. Bach. When Quebec Grenville FRI. & SAT. AT 6:30 AND 8:30 SUN. AND WEEKDAY AT 7:00 SUN. MATINEE AT 1:30
Francesco was 16, he met Sergio Perticaroli
who, impressed by the youth’s capabilities,
invited him to attend the Summer
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