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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 PAS D’ACCUSATION POUR FRANCIS DROUIN Le Service de police régional de Halifax aurait confirmé, mardi dernier, qu’aucune accusation n’a été déposée contre le député libéral fédéral de Glen- garry-Prescott-Russell Francis Drouin, a rapporté Radio-Canada. Ce dénouement conclurait l’enquête portant sur une agression présumée, qui aurait eu lieu le mois dernier au centre-ville de la capitale de la Nouvelle-Écosse, à proximité de l’endroit où se déroulait le congrès du Parti libéral du Canada. M. Drouin avait nié toute implication et avait contribué pleinement à l’enquête. – Caroline Prévost PARCS DE JEUX D’EAU Avis aux jeunes et aux jeunes de cœur. L’été est presque arrivé. Les parcs de jeux d’eau à Rockland, Bourget et Cla- rence Creek sont maintenant ouverts.



The cost of electricity for residents in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell is one of the burning issues for the provincial election campaign. Three candidates vying to become the next MPP for the riding agree that something must be done, but they don’t all agree on what. Liberal candidate Pierre Leroux, Libertar- JBODBOEJEBUF%BSDZ/FBM%POOFMMZ BOE/%1 candidate Bonnie Jean-Louis all accepted BOJOWJUBUJPOUPTJUEPXOXJUI&"1FEJUPSJBM staff for a roundtable discussion, May 17, on several key concerns in the GPR. One topic of contention was the cost of hydro. “I understand these things because I live with them every day,” said Leroux, noting that more people should also be aware that a rural savings program exists for hydro. Leroux criticized both the previous Pro- HSFTTJWF$POTFSWBUJWFBOE/%1QSPWJODJBM the leadership of then leader Patrick Brown. The Ontario Party is one of the new- est additions to the province’s political scene. Charbonneau described himself and other party members as people “with principles in common” with a focus on local representation. “My job is to be the representative of the riding in Queen’s Park and vote on what the constituents want,” he said, adding that the Ontario Party’s principles include free voting by its members in the legislature. Charbonneau declared his opposition to “unwanted wind turbine projects” in the rid- JOHBOETBJEIFXBOUTUIF(SFFO&OFSHZ"DU abolished. He also wants the “carbon tax” scrapped, describing it as “a money grab” with rural residents forced to pay higher prices for gasoline because they have to drive everywhere they go and lack the public transit alternatives available to city dwellers.


Le coût de l’électricité est un enjeu important pour trois des candidats de la circonscription de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell aux élections provinciales. Ces trois candidats avaient accepté l’invitation de la Compagnie d’édition André Paquette à une table ronde éditoriale la semaine dernière. Mais le candidat libéral


Pierre Leroux (à gauche), la candidate néo-démocrate Bonnie Jean-Louis et le candidat libertarien Darcy Neal Donnelly ne sont pas tous d’accord sur une solution. —photo Frédéric Hountondji governments for failure to invest enough in regular asset replacement for Ontario Hydro. One of the big challenges for the Liberal government, he said, is the cost of dealing with the existing aging hydro infrastructure. +FBO-PVJTBSHVFEUIBUUIF/%1PQQPTFE the Liberal government’s decision to sell of part of Hydro One to the private sector. She blamed that as part of the reason for the cost of electricity in Ontario. “Returning Hydro One to the public sector is one of our biggest goals,” Jean-Louis said, adding that it will be easier for the govern- ment to oversee a publicly-owned utility and reduce the cost of electricity for consumers. Donnelly said a Libertarian government XPVMESFQFBMUIF(SFFO&OFSHZ"DU EPBXBZ with “time of access” billing for hydro, abol- ish subsidies for alternative energy sales to the power grid, and also “terminate all government appointees” to the Hydro One board. He emphasized that the Libertarian philosophy favours as little government policy intervention as possible. i8FXBOU UP MJCFSBUF UIF HPWFSONFOU from the industry,” he said, “and let the free market run things.”


Joel Charbonneau of the Ontario Party is the youngest candidate among those seeking to become the next MPP for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell in the June 7 provincial election. Charbonneau, 20, lives in Limoges and is a business administration college student at La Cité in Orléans. He also runs a home-based direct sales and supply business. “I am running so Glengarry-Prescott- Russell can have a representative at Queen’s Park,” Charbonneau said dur- ing a May 20 phone interview, “and not a Queens Park representative at Glengarry-Prescott-Russell.” Charbonneau used to be a Progressive Conservative partisan but quit the party a couple of years ago because, he said, “it was becoming another Liberal Party” under

Joel Charbonneau du Parti de l’Ontario entre dans la course électorale provinciale pour Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. —photo fournie

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Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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