Social Studies Grade 4


Materials Needed: Graphic organizer Types of Maps

Online Related Media: Video: “Types of Maps” Extended Reading Articles: N/A Article 4: GIS Technology Word Count: 309 Vocabulary: Global Information Systems (GIS): a system that creates, manages, analyzes and maps data High Impact Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Learning, Differentiated Instruction, Multiple Exposures, Structured Lessons Lesson Plan: 1. Review the concept of spatial perspective with students. Ask students to turn to their shoulder partner and discuss what they learned about the topic. 2. Explain to students that today, they will learn about a tool that helps geographers examine a place from multiple perspectives. 3. Divide the glass into groups of 3-4 students. Give each group: a. four pieces of bread b. one cup of chocolate frosting c. one cup of vanilla frosting, dyed green d. 3-4 spoons e. 3-4 straws f. one plate 4. Have students work together to assemble the materials: a. Cover one piece of bread in chocolate frosting. b. Cover two pieces of bread in the vanilla frosting that has been dyed with green food coloring. c. Place one of the pieces of bread with vanilla frosting on the plate, bread side touching the plate.

Geographic Skills | Week 6

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