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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 RECHERCHE DE BÉNÉVOLES La Friperie Kazi9 de la Banque alimen- taire d’Alfred est à la recherche de bénévoles pour servir les clients, les jeudis et samedis. Les intéressés sont priés d’envoyer un courriel à banque. CULVERT REPLACEMENT PLAN Champlain Township will try to get federal funding help to replace the Little Borris Road culvert and also widen the road at the same time. Township council approved a public works department request to apply for financial aid under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure program. Projected cost for the project is $700,000. If the application is approved the project would be part of the 2020 public works budget, with the federal government funding up to half of the cost while the provincial government funds one-third of the cost. The township would be responsible for the remainder. – Gregg Chamberlain BYLAW REVISIONS Champlain Township council gave first and second readings April 9 to Bylaw 2019-21, which deals with revisions to Zoning Bylaw 2000-75. The revisions provide various conditions required for zoning approval of projects dealing with group homes, commercial cannabis production operations, chip wagons, and other land use planning issues. Final approval of Bylaw 2019-21 will take place at a later session of council. – Gregg Chamberlain DÉMOLITION DE LA MAISON DES JEUNES La démolition du bâtiment de la Maison des jeunes à L’Orignal est prévue en juin ou juillet. En raison de son état de vieillissement, le bâtiment serait trop coûteux à réparer. Les branchements des services publics à l’immeuble ont été enlevés et le Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien a été avisé de la démolition en cours. L’édifice a servi de vestiaire et d’installation de soutien pour la patinoire extérieure située derrière l’École élémentaire catholique Saint-Jean-Baptiste. Le can- ton de Champlain examine des options de remplacement pour la structure.



Konstantine Malakos is ready to change Glengarry-Prescott-Russell to NDP Orange instead of Liberal Red or Conservative Blue in this October’s federal election. Malakos was acclaimed April 11 as the QBSUZTDBOEJEBUFEVSJOHUIF(13/%13JE - ing Association’s nomination meeting. «It’s an honour to have this opportunity,” said Malakos during a media interview session GPMMPXJOHIJTDBOEJEBUFDPOàSNBUJPOi/PX I need to start knocking on some doors. My goal is to meet every last voter in this riding.” Malakos, 31, was born and raised in Pe- terborough, Ontario and remembers listening to «mostly unionized workers discussing the bread-and-butter issues of the day» at his parents’ pizzeria and diner. He now lives with his partner on the small poultry farm they operate near the tiny Québec village of 4BJOUF+VTUJOFEF/FXUPO KVTUBDSPTTUIF border from Glengarry County. Almost all of their shopping, socializing and other interests are in and around Alex- andria in Glengarry county or Vankleek Hill and Hawkesbury in Prescott county. Malakos feels close to these communities and when he started thinking about running as an /%1DBOEJEBUFIFEFDJEFEIFXBOUFEUP represent GPR. “It feels authentic, to me, to be running in GPR,” he said. «The people are so warm, they made me feel so welcome so quickly. It’s a really lovely area, and I’ve come to embrace it.» Three key issues The 2019 federal election is October 21. Malakos listed three key issues for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell voters based on his own research and talks with residents. “I think people care very much about sup- ply management,” he said, adding that dairy farmers in the GPR are concerned for their operations and he wants a stronger supply management system which will help support family farms against unfair competition from big agribusiness corporations. i8FOFFEUPTFFNPSFTNBMMGBNJMZGBSNT HFUJOUPUIFNBSLFU u.BMBLPTTBJEi8F

Le candidat Konstantine Malakos représentera les néo-démocrates lors des élections fédérales d’octobre. M. Malakos a été élu par acclamation comme candidat du parti lors de la réunion du 11 avril de l›Association de circonscription du NPD Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. —photo fournie

do need to see more small family farms benefit.” He criticized the Harper Conservative government for letting the system “erode” and the present Liberal government for failing to provide full support for supply manage- ment during the talks that led to creation of the Canada-US-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), XIJDIXPVMESFQMBDFUIF/PSUI"NFSJDBO Free Trade Agreement. “It (CUSMA) opened the door to American milk,” Malakos said. Support for improved rural access to high-speed Internet service is another key election issue on Malakos’ list. He described the present setup as “inadequate and ex- pensive” for most rural households and businesses. “In our modern world,” he said, “reliable Internet and (cellular) phone service is a basic infrastructure need.” The third key election issue for Malakos is universal dental care and prescription

NFEJDJOF TVQQMZ %VSJOH IJT FODPVOUFST around Glengarry and Prescott counties, he often hears about people who cannot afford even basic dental service and some who have to decide between their prescription medicine purchases and other necessities. i8IFOQFPQMFHPUPUIFQIBSNBDZ UIFZ should not have to use their credit card,” he said. “They should be able to use their (provincial) health card.” Malakos described the federal govern- ment’s proposal for a new national phar- macare system for prescription medicine as “incredibly limited” and said it is “a patchwork approach” that depends too much on a partnership arrangement with medical JOTVSBODFPVUàUT5IF/%1TPMVUJPO IFTBJE  is to provide universal pharmacare coverage through existing agreements with provincial health ministries and to revise the federal capital gain tax to cover the cost.


Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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Des travaux de réfection du pont situé sur le Chemin de l’Ile, au-dessus de la rivière des Outaouais (canal de Grenville), à Grenville, débuteront au cours de la semaine du 23 avril. Ces travaux, dont la durée est estimée à quatre semaines, sont nécessaires afin de remplacer le tablier en bois du pont. Ces travaux entraîneront la fermeture d’une voie. Ainsi, la circulation s’effectuera en alternance, sur une voie rétrécie de 2,8 mètres, pour toute la durée du chantier. Les usagers de la route sont invités à consulter le Québec 511 afin de suivre l’évolution du chantier. — archives

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