Plowmen’s Association marks centennial
613- 675-2929 or the Ontario Plowmen’s
beingheldas the local organizingcommittee
Association office at 1-800-661-7569 (519-
and the Ontario Plowmen’s Association
prepare for the 2011 International Plowing
During theworkshops, LynnMcDonald,
Match and Rural Expo being held in Chute-
TheOntarioPlowmen’sAssociation is
President of the Canadian Plowing
à-Blondeau from September 20 to 24.
bringing its centennial celebrations to
Association, and Tom Cochrane, a plowing
100,000 expected
Prescott-Russell June 11.
for IPM
President Bob Hammell extends an
Featured will be the modern reversible
Expected to draw as many as 100,000
invitation to all to join in the events being
plowing and a display by Kverneland
visitors, the IPM promises to be one of the
held at the Vankleek Hill Fairgrounds.
Canada Inc. Horse plowing, antique and
largest events to be held in the district.
Theskillsofplowingwill behighlighted
conventional equipment will also be
The contest will be held on the Connors,
Kirby and Lachaîne farms.
at the farm of Cecil Cass, on Cassburn
The centennial celebrationswill continue
During the 100t anniversary bash, East
Road, northwest of Vankleek Hill,
backat theVankleekHill Fairgroundswhere
Hawkesbury Township Mayor and Kirby
beginning at 9 a.m.
a barbecue will be held as of 4 p.m.
Farm co-owner Robert Kirby will be
There is no charge for the workshops.
Centennial Awards will be presented to
presented with the chain of office,
Tickets are $15 for the barbecue anddance.
long-timecompetitors for theirparticipation
emblematic of his status as “Mayor” of the
Children 12 and under are free. Tickets
over the years.
tented city that will be erected on the IPM
should be purchased in advance by calling
The event is one of the many activities
Bob Hammell
the International Plowing Match office at
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